Did you test first with WLAN first and then disabled WLAN and then tried again with mobile data only or was the phone in mobile data -mode straight from the boot without WLAN at any point when you tested this? It has been reported with Sailfish X, that if you disable WLAN, the AAS sometimes/most of the times can’t handle the change and apps can’t connect to internet anymore.
No, I started with mobile internet only and only later found out that WLAN actually works. I’ve had the problem you’ve described earlier with Sailfish X, but this time I haven’t found any way to make the mobile connection to work. (restarting phone/network-services/android-support)
Still haven’t had any luck on getting this to work. Does this work for anyone else?
Nope. Until this and phone call / SMS is sorted, I can’t really take my C2 out into the world. Hopefully they’ll have an update out sooner rather than later which sorts this (among the other highly important issues raised by the community).
This is an old Sailfish problem - I’ve had it over the years on my Xperia 10 iii and XA2 plus. Usually, if you’re not roaming, a re-boot, or restarting App support will bring Android connectivity back, but when roaming I’ve recently found there is nothing I can do to get Android connectivity on a mobile connection. As has been said above, this problem seems to be linked with SFOS not being able to cope with the change of network connection from WLAN to mobile.
I’m familiar with the problem with switching connections from my previous Xperias, but I think this is different issue. I literally have not been able to get any Android app connect through mobile connection even once on my c2. Even on first boot, when I only had mobile connection configured, Android apps didn’t manage to connect to internet. (Also happens when I’m at home, that is, not roaming)
I tried this. The C2 was configured almost a week ago with WIFI. Android apps worked. Today I insterted my SIM card and tried 3G and 4G networks but none of them is usable for Android apps (no internet). Reboot didn’t help.
In my XA2 there is no problem at all (except sometimes, disabling/enabling mobile network helps here), so this is a bug of the C2 (software).
Yes this bug (AAS can only use WLAN connections) is confirmed by Jolla and I’m sure this is high on their list of things to fix for the next release.
Seems my C2 is struggeling with the same problem.
Is this the ultimate, official bug report?
Can we add someting like a vote to indicate our interest/being impacted by the issue?
Every C2 suffers from this and Jolla has acknowledged this issue in other threads so there isn’t anything else to do than wait for next release and hope they have managed to fix this by then.
I experience this now on my C2, too and I experienced it with my Xperia 10 II. I have an O2 sim card.
The problem is that the appsupport runtime cannot find a matching APN descriptor and reports that internet connection is not available although it is. You can test it by using WhatsApp. This app works because it does not rely on the android internet connection signalling mechanism. It just tries to send.
I fixed it on my 10II be editing the file /system/etc/apns-conf.xml. I added the following APN description for my sim card type
<apn carrier="O2 DE Internet"
This fixed the problem on saifishos 4.x. With sailfishos 5.x the file does not exist anymore at the location or it is read from a different location. A matching file I found at /opt/appsupport/rootfs/system/etc/apns-conf.xml but it is read-only.
@pvuorela is this the moved file? How can I edit it? Where can I contribute my APN configuration?
The values for the configuration I obtained by inserting my sim into an android phone and using the app AIDA64.
I don’t understand your posting here … The dude has an workaround for a problem mentioned in the ‘known issues’ and he just ask what happened to the file and where to put his config in … imho he just want to help and advising him to the known issues is not cool, because in the known issues is his workaround not mentioned …
I understand your understanding of this. But C2 doesn’t have the same VoLTE config. Maybe even none if there are no VoLTE packages. That’s written in the Release Notes. We all hope that’ll change soon.
@ hschmitt: I do appreciate your findings!
If I’m wrong (which I hope I am) I’m sorry for snarky comment.
So when I get it niw right, the C2 has a complete other mobile network stack as the prior SFOs versions?
I’m not an expert but from what I read here is that VoLTE part is very different. So they might changed other parts (even config) as well.
I read it, but I wanted to share my findings. And I guess I could fix it if I knew the files - and by the way it is not about VoLTE. VoLTE is the phoning part.
Oh, so I was just smartassing then as himmi let me know (thx for that btw). Harry, I’m really sorry!
Note to myself: I should not reply in the bad mood.
With your knowledge you should be in C2 VoLTE testing group.
C2 does not support mobile data in AppSupport yet. Therefore, you cannot fix it.