Next port to buy

@dreimeterfeldweg I enjoyed your reply very much. There are two things that hold me from doing this port, and one is owning the device (solvable) and the other one is time (negotiable).

Also, as you notice, I do not yet have what I call “1st world itches”, but living in a close neighborhood makes me sympathetic to that.

So, my plan is to get the device through a NLnet grant. I have written a draft of the application here - you need a codeberg account to comment and suggest.

I also know from the other thread that mal already has the device, but from experience he is one with the less amount of time…

So, if you can help shape up the NLNet application and it is approved, then I would only need that time negotiation part (and a bit of :crossed_fingers: ) to deliver a port.

LE: application posted


Thanks @twzorek for the detailed testing! As you can see the actual device is not yet set in stone, it depends…

Very nice, I’ll have a look tomorrow!

I am sorry if I sound too impatient, but: do you have any news from your application at NLNet?

Unfortunately no other message than the April 4th when we got:

this mail serves to acknowledge receipt of your grant application “SailfishOS community port for Fairphone 5” (2024-04-085). The project will be carefully reviewed for eligibility, in two rounds.
There has been enormous demand for our programmes, and things take longer than usual. We expect the first round to take about seven weeks, but given natural variation in the amount of projects and their complexity it may take longer or shorter.

(emphasis mine).

That is after 1st of April they did announce 41 new projects awarded but that didn’t seem to cover the NGI Mobifree…

But I also feel a bit of much time has passed. Let’s hope I didn’t lose an email (just checked the contact address at sailmates works normally) and they will soon answer, positively or not.

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Your grant request was not awarded

Dear Vlad,

we have identified the projects we will be further investigating for the April 2024 NGI Mobifree Fund open call. I’m sorry to have to inform you that your project “SailfishOS community port for Fairphone 5” (2024-04-085) unfortunately was not among those selected.

This in no way means that we do not see the value of the work you proposed. We get many more excellent proposals than we can grant with our limited means, so competition is extremely tough. There are unfortunately many talented independent researchers, developers and community leaders that need funding. In addition to that, the specific scope and rules of play of each call pose (sometimes artificial) limits in our selection that mean excellent projects leave empty-handed - because they just do not fit well enough within a certain fund.


As a person who been entertaining sfos community with ports, i would say wait a little bit and then go for oneplus 6(t)

thats gonna be my next target and if everything goes well it will be both mainline and downstream port (yes that means 4 ports in total, in addition to my existing ports)


That is of course a great pity. I would have been very happy about your port. But thank you very much for your commitment! I really appreciate that!

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I don’t think this would be a device for me, but of course I’m grateful that people with the right skills are working with ports.
But out of curiosity: I know what “mainline” means, but what do you mean by “downstream port”?

on the old version of kernel, aka android one


Here’s another Uniherz jewel:
A 5 inch small model. Too bad it is still LCD…

What’s the go-to device to purchase these days?

Not sure. Official devices next will be Xperia 10 mark IV and V and the C2 reeder community.
I am not working on porting now, but there are people trying to boot Xiaomi 12x and Xperia 5 IV on porters channel :crossed_fingers: now.


Xperia 10 V is already hard to purchase brand new :S

A couple of updates in my current thinking of next device to buy:

  1. @piggz adapted @TheKit’s Mediatek volte support to work on Volla 23 UBports / Development / Core / Hybris support / ofono-binder-plugin-ext-mtk · GitLab
    That makes Mediatek devices immediately more desirable.

  2. I found this list of GitHub - melontini/bootloader-unlock-wall-of-shame: Keeping track of companies that "care about your data 🥺" and to my surprise (other than the opinion I already had about Huawei, Xiaomi, Sony, Fairphone, Google, Asus and Oneplus) there is a company that does offline bootloader unlocking, and that is … Nothing. (Continuing the gray instead of black/white choices, Pei may be just as trustable as Durov, which may mean a lot or nothing …mmph sorry I got into politics)

Now there is even a (discontinued) Nothing Phone (1) Lineage 20 which as a single version is fantastic that it is not 19 (which, being Android 12, is not available around here :wink: I hear binder protocol broken but did not dig more).
As you know, latest official Jolla device is Android 11 but they are trying Android 13 and even 14 next, and 13 corresponds to Lineage 20.

But Nothing Phone (1) is QCom, so the two points above don’t “match”. So is Phone (2) - which has some unofficial lineage. The Nothing Phone (2a) is Dimensity (which is Mediatek) but no developments show on xda forums…

Unfortunately Google’s Tensor seems to be closer to Exynos, so this piece of info does not apply, and even future TSMC chips don’t sound like Mtk to me, so that is still out.

Anyway, I keep watching the hardware space just in case, so I don’t repeat the Asus/Huawei experience of being locked out any time soon, and right now Nothing (1) seems possible…

Criteria Nothing Phone (1)
1. Camera at least 1/1.7" 1pt
2. OLED screen with double tap to wake. 1pt
3. Headphone jack -
4. Fingerprint reader - optical under display 0.5pt
5. Infrared port. -
6. Largish battery - 4000+ mAh 1pt
7. Real proximity sensor (not virtual ) 1pt
8. Manufacturer is company I would like to support 1pt
9. Model is popular enough so it helps Sailfish 0.5pt
10. Screen not notched / centered notch for 0.5 0 - left notch

Nothing Phone (2) would get 0.5 more amounting for 6.5 pt because of the centered notch… Of course it is also faster, LPTO and all that other stuff I don’t care for. And a tad larger.
Mind you, both phones are larger than Mi Note 10 (but not heavier) and Fairphone 5 sits between them (but is heavier than both).

Still can’t beat Xperia 5 / Fairphone 5 but just another data point.

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Guys… the time has come, it is done, device is fixed and (almost) fully working!

I’m of course talking about oneplus 6(t). So far I’ve only released the 6t because i don’t own 6 (yet) but on both everything that’s important should be working.

And if someone wants aliendalvik then wink wink nudge nudge we can talk about it

Port is insanely smooth, last time i’ve seen this smooth device was jolla phone, and its insanely stable.

I’ll post more in separate thread.


unfortunately i put already archlinux (kupfer) on it, and it was really much fun, especially with the aur helpers

This thread is about the decision what device @vlagged would target next, so a port you already finished would only be of interest here to exclude it from the list of candidates

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At the same time people might look through this thread looking for what to purchase