New feature requests

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This thread is meant for real SFOS functionalities and NOT for app requests.


Please add SIP phone functionality to SFOS!

Please integrate this into the telephone app like a 3rd SIM card, so that, on calling someone, the phone asks me for use SIM1, SIM2 or SIP, and it should work together with the existing phonebook and/or contacts app.


Is this now the preferred way to raise feature requests?

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Please add shutdown dialog when you hold power button. Something like: “Do you really want to shutdown?” or use remorse timer.

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Don’t you have one? When I hold the power button, I get top menu with shutdown button instead of usual lock one…


And with coderus Top Menu patch you can even add a reboot button.


But when you keep holding it, phone goes shutdown.

Which is absolutely okay.
3s for top menu.
5s for full shutdown.


I’d like full exchange and dav integration with the notes app and a task app.


This. Tasks app is essential to my time management style, probably more than calendar. With flexible repetition style and sorting based on priority and time until deadline together – so, even minute tasks get more visibility the closer the deadline is.
Another possibility for notes storage/synchronization could be IMAP – I vaguely remember there are some solutions utilizing dedicated IMAP folder. Or maybe just (one could hope) notes app with multiple backends – local, DAV, IMAP…

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A bit of love for Jabber (XMPP) messaging. Maybe just integrate for a first step? Carbons, stream management and MAM are essential for mobile client.

Then, OMEMO. Then, A/V, Conversations compatible :wink:


You don’t need a patch for a reboot option. In Settings > Developer Mode you can activate the reboot option. Developer Mode does not even need to be activated for this.


It’s, of course, not a replacement for a full integration but the newest versions of s1p integrate quite well with the existing contacts and call history.

I know it is maybe slightly outside of the scope of this thread, I just wanted to clarify to someone who is maybe not familiar with this topic that there is (somewhat of) a remedy to the long-standing SIP issue on SFOS.


Have you considered nick change? When I’ve found s1p, I saw “unmaintained” and thought it was an abandoned project :wink:

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unmaintained was originally the repository of my semi-abandoned projects on OpenRepos.
Mainly proof-of-concept apps I didn’t want to support but at the same time also didn’t want to let go to waste as someone may still find them useful to some extent (e.g. Threema client, NetMon, etc.).
This backfired badly and I’ve received enough complaints to eventually remove most of the apps.
Now the name does not really reflect the contents but, well, It’s hard to come up with a better name :grinning:


You cannot override this functionality; it has been defined in HW and it sure is necessary - how else would you do shutdown if your device is in a tightly hung loop?

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Even Apple uses IMAP for their notes app. And this through all their systems and with no need to use iCloud. While using Apple hardware I used my personal non-iCloud account for that and I can even access these notes from Sailfish Mail cause I sync all folders. So implementing this shouldn’t be that difficult, I guess.
But notes syncing with a Nextcloud would also be nice.

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Are you sure about this one?
I would expect the VolUp+Power to be the hardwired one (for X devices, for Jolla ones -as well as on N9x0- you are right.
And also I seem to recall on XA2 a full hang up where power button alone did not react but VolUp+Power did.

Rereading: kuba77 did not specify the model. So I guess we are both right :slight_smile:

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Ah yes thanks for clarification, of course this is device dependent! :slight_smile:
Generally what I meant is that for
every device ther needs to be a non-GUI related way to do emergency HW poweroff.

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Group MMS support would be nice. Every other OS in the US does this.