MFA Applications for Sailfish

Many if not most web-services now require MFA to login. I’ll try out some and see which ones work. This might be a blocker for people trying to use many work-related applications.

Let’s collect the status for these here. I’m on Jolla C2 with

SailOTP (native)
Status: Works

Foil Auth (native)
Status: Works, but maintainer will not publish more updates in the Jolla store (2019).

Authy (Aurora store) 26.2.2
Status: Installs, but you cannot login.
Problem: Invalid Request Integrity param token is requried


I use SailOTP myself. Others use Foil Auth.


Me too with SailOTP. Simple and easy and native!


Me too SailOTP on my SF-Devices. On the Desktop i use Bitwarden, as a Password-Manager and OTP Client… There is also client for SailfishOS, but SailOTP ist faster.

I’ve used SailOTP for years, haven’t seen a reason to try anything else.

SailOTP user. Does what it should.

(SailAuth)* from Storeman works and gets regular updates (last is from October 2024)
*Edit: sorry, i meant FoilAuth

Foil Auth user here (acquired from either Chum or Storeman).

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I use Bitsailor (A Sailfish native version of Bitwarden). Bitwarden has the ability to hold MFA (TOTP) and all your passwords etc. and is cross platform. The TOTP appear in and update on the App Cover. They can also be copied from within the App.

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Are there installation instructions for BitSailor? Does not seem to be very trivial?

There’s a support thread BitSailor support thread

The main thing you are likely to need are your API keys from
(Under Security and the top right hand tab “Keys” the access to your API Keys is at the bottom of the page). (NB NOT the KDF section)

The keys need to be entered into Bitsailor when you first run it.

While setup needs care and careful input of the various passwords and codes, it is relatively straightforward.

You will also need to update the Bitwarden CLI from time to time but Bitsailor does this for you. The Bitwarden Command-line Tool | Bitwarden


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