List of application affected by SailJail

It could be that the permissions specified in the Tailfish desktop are ‘too narrow’. That only the ‘Music’ directory or some such was specified. Might be worth a ‘bug’ post on openrepos.

To dig this particular topic up: I’ve just found a manner to get deadbeef working properly (at least after some initial testing) without disabling SailJail in the desktop file. As mentioned somewhere in this topic, the problem is related to a mismatch of the directories that are allowed/expected in ~/.config. From what I could gather, deadbeef should use ~/.config/deadbeef-silica, but instead tries to use ~/.config/deadbeef - which fails due to the SailJail-rules (I think). So I did the following:

  1. Manually create a directory ~/.config/deadbeef
  2. Create a symbolic link to deadbeef-silica (you may need to remove that directory first in case it exists already): ln -s deadbeef deadbeef-silica

The result looks like this:
[defaultuser@XperiaXA2-DualSIM .config]$ ls -ld deadbeef*
drwxr-xr-x 3 defaultu defaultu 4096 Jan 16 22:58 deadbeef
lrwxrwxrwx 1 defaultu defaultu 8 Jan 16 22:43 deadbeef-silica -> deadbeef

Frankly, I expected this to fail, but it did work - deadbeef is now able to store its state and configuration without disabling SailJail.