Licence question: 10 III mainboard replaced under warranty (new IMEI)

My 10 III has just returned from Sony authorized service and got its mainboard replaced under warranty. The new mainboard obviously has new IMEI numbers.

What is the best way to contact Jolla in order to request having the licence moved to the new IMEIs? I do have the documentation from the authorized service (CTDI) confirming motherboard replacement and both the old and the new IMEI number.

Does Jolla support moving the SFOS licence in case of devices repaired/replaced this way? How to proceed? I remember having seen some similar topics but now I can’t find any of them.


but the official answer was found in this question


Thank you very much! I’ll submit my request right away.

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File a support request at


Thank you very much @jovirkku. I’ve submitted my request at zendesk (id 39846) and attached a scan of service repair document confirming that the mainboard has been replaced and listing both the old and the new IMEI. I cannot access the Android AppSupport or predictive text input in the Jolla store, so let’s hope that my request will be accepted soon…

Do you know guys how long it typically takes to have a request processed at zendesk? A few days, weeks? The problem in my case is that I can’t install AppSupport from the store (with the new mainboard the phone is seen as unlicenced due to different IMEI), so I have no possibility to use Android apps. It is my main phone, and a few Android apps are badly needed for my daily activities…

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Why impatience. Just looking for information, as I’ve never done it before so I’d like to know. If the procedure takes some time (especially during vacations) then - knowing it - I might try to look for other options for the time being. I’m sure you know that being able to use certain Android apps which don’t have native SFOS equivalents is quite important (and often a must) in today’s world, so in case that I won’t be able to (normally) install AppSupport on my 10 III anytime soon I may need to think about some alternative solutions. Hence asking, in order to know. That’s all.


The transfer of my license took around a week. But didn’t you restore a full system backup? If yes, why do you need to reinstall app support?

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OK, thank you!

I initially did. But then I thought that it would be a good opportunity to reinstall SFOS from scratch and get rid of all the garbage that was collected during 2+ years of use and multiple updates. So I installed a fresh system, only to realize that this way I can’t get AppSupport until my licence is transferred…

Well, if it takes a week or more then maybe I’ll once again restore the full rootfs and home image again, at least for the time being, and this way have AppSupport working.

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7th day - does it still count as impatience, @eson? :wink:

Well, there was a weekend in between, so I would expect an answer any day now.

I’ve just checked my Jolla account via web page ( and the new IMEI is listed there, but the licence still isn’t seen by the device.

What does Jolla | Login page actually list? Active licences, or every device using that Jolla account, including not licenced ones?

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Can’t really tell, I have only licenced ones. Looking like this…

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Thank you, my xqbt52 looks the same, with the serial number field empty. Actually, now I have two xqbt52 entries, one with the old and the other one with the new IMEI number. Something tells me that they get added automatically when one logs in from a device using that Jolla account… The date seems to confirm it, as in case of the new IMEI it is July 30th, i.e. the day when I got it from service, even before I filled by request at zendesk. Which would mean that the request hasn’t been touched yet.

Then you are probably right, the list shows everything that’s been logged in to the account.

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A new motherboard implies a new IMEI code, which implies that the licence no longer works. We consider this a broken phone.

In such a case, please make a service request and we will detach the licence from the old IMEI and attach it to the new one.


Done! My licence has been successfully transferred to the new IMEI. Except for submitting the request itself, there was nothing else to do on my side. As soon as the licence was transferred, AppSupport (and the other commercial items) re-appeared in the store, as I was already signed in to that Jolla account.

Thank you VERY MUCH! I will buy another licence for the 10 V as soon as it is possible.