Jolla seems to be losing direction

Reasons I have ditched Android/Apple

  1. difficulty of turning off GPS
  2. the government alarm app, being part of the phone. You cant turn it off, it screams at you at maximum volume, you could crash your car when it is doing that. It is a bad precedent that the government can force install apps on your phone.
  3. the knowledge that everything you do is being stored somewhere.
  4. that they try to control and own you in every possible way.
  5. that it will replace passports, cash, then introduce other controlling features. Alternative OS’s are the only way to limit their power and reach.
  6. It is just nasty, it has no individuality, I don’t like being in a mono-culture. This is anti-capitalist, it is communist, where you have no choice, just the government sanctioned one.

Well there is your business model. Private use cheap license, business use, expensive license.

@MeeGo-Junky @archon

Good morning,
thank you for your consideration and answers!
I think I understand what you say, and I partly agree: I too have been a Linux user for almost 20 years, and I have used Linux as my main OS for 15 years. Unfortunately, at least in Italy and at least in certain sectors, it is not possible to do without “daddy” Windows, so I have both my PCs, desktop and laptop, with dual boot.
I am not an expert, I do not even have a technical-IT education, I have done completely different studies. However, over the years I believe I have developed and acquired skills and knowledge. Just to give you one more element to understand my point of view.
On the one hand I envy you: if I have not misinterpreted your posts, I would say that you can do without Android apps. I would like that too, or as you have already understood, I would like there to be official apps for Sailfish. But as we have been reminded, it is the market that counts above all and since there is not much demand for Sailfish apps…
We agree: the strength of Sailfish, like the rest of the Linux world, is the community, but… my doubt remains: are we sure that Jolla has made and is making an OS only for the community? AppSupport, which at the beginning was called Android Support, is not also designed to bring in those who are not part of the community and are not experts? Yes, in short: does Jolla want to earn and survive only like this? I understand that these are not my business or that “should change my life”! I am not happy either that other people earn money by selling my data, even if I really don’t understand what they do with it, given that the “commercial world” continues to go in a direction substantially opposite to how I think…

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It is a big investment, and could well be a dead end. Why enter an already over saturated market. I say market, not sure there actually is a market, no matter how much Klaus Schwab mentions IOT.
I wonder how much money Tesla are making with their self driving cars, enough to pay for the damages?

You talk a lot of reality.

In reality I use the android what’s app, not ideal, but at least it’s sandboxed.

I can get most of what a need with a web browser (which is still supported because many people still use desktop computers/laptops, and Microsoft snoops on those people). The problem is that doesn’t work on a phone because the screen is smaller. Of course we have mobile friendly sites, but not for sites like what’s app, because they like to force you on to android/apple. Maybe we need some kind of formatting technology to present these desktop sites better for mobile browsers.

Anyway I think Linux, like democracy, is under threat. It is the only alternative to the mono-culture snooping OSes, therefore they will do their best to get rid of it. Anti-trust seems to be a thing of the past. The future seems quite bleak.


Probably Tesla loses a lot of money, same way that they make a lot, as long as the balance is positive they are viable.

I agree with you that venturing into saturated markets is risky but I’m guessing the only way to make a breakthrough is to risk it.

I for one will support with the subscription model as long as I can see a level of usability and a continuous improvement. My small contribution won’t make a difference but if many of us contribute I guess the long term results is what we have to judge.

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Are you part time CEOs through with your reorganization of Jolla?
Is capitalism transformed to a higher state?

Please go on and solve that climate thingi and people blocking the left lane then.


Haha!! That’s a good one, you saved my day! :laugh:

  1. Person level; one can be sure no any kind of personal data goes all over anywhere. 2. National/EU wide; the same. 3. Globally ; things are in dangerous processes which demands something like SFOS to survive. So funding & geopolitical thinking/actions - THOSE in responbilities, … WAKE UP … - time flies…this is not any more only technical aspect

How do you know if they are not actual CEO’s in this case?
Just curious.

at the moment there is surely much to do with the new C2 delivery and troubleshooting and the new 5.0 system, so please have mercy with Jollyboys :wink:

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Like tommy, blog CEOs, the amount of troll bait taking is atrocious, jolla’s direction is wrong, waiting two weeks for regular communication is way too much, googol and apple interact with their customers on the daily, yeah right… couch specialists everywhere, why won’t jolla hire them to run a business


So what’s the assumption in this case? If you like sailfish you can’t or don’t have a company more successful than jolla for example?
Trying to understand the correlation here so please bear with me.

I don’t know man, except new faces show up and spam the board with: I would do this better. Whether it’s CEOing or communications with 0 communication skills, everyone is friendly and takes the bait. I don’t care, I come here for informative posts, not pseudo blog posts. Somehow jolla is still alive (debatable) 12 years on. All these other companies that wasted money on PR and marketing and whimsies of couch ceos are gone now, you be the judge
Edit: and the only real challenge in linux on phone during that decade was purism, planned to launch in 2019, 5 years later here we are, maybe pine64 will take over, but it also seems doubtful, is purism phone2 coming anytime or the preorders are?


Purism…what a joke :)) Made in USA bullshit that is never deliverable…

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Just pay 1500$ for manufacturing in the USA, what’s not to like, if only we had Euro trump to promote jolla like this with euronationalism

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The problem is that they never deliver. They promise a lot but they never deliver.

Nah, some devices have been delivered, but frankly haven’t followed them that closely, if jolla offered EU manufactured phone for 1000€ doubt it would work (us is just crazy like that, star citizen etc)

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BTW, whats the matter with Volla at the moment?

As the threat is going off-topic more and more: Did you hear about this project?

Home - FuriPhone FLX1 Linux Phone Pretty much like Sailfish OS (Linux phone which can run Android apps).