Jolla seems to be losing direction

Just an opinion here, but Jolla has spent many years creating Sailfish OS, and although it is a difficult thing to compete with android, they are 99% towards having a competitive product, there are just some glitches to sort out, and it needs to be easier to install and use (otherwise it will only have a limited techy market).

But when I look at what Jolla are spending their time on, it’s things like AI boxes, IOT, or even fighting to lose their large Russian doners. So it seems that “the current thing” is running things, not common sense, which is a shame, because what we all need is a good, stable alternative to the Google/Apple cartel.

So please guys, get back to your core product, spend time on it, concentrate on the basics, no matter how boring, make it good.


From my perspective, the need to have a meaningful competitor to ios and android: to break that duopoly, is greater than peoples’ need, in general, for more AI products.

The thing about current mobiles though is that they are so multifaceted: with cameras and different radios and software features, and so, I wonder whether the announced AI project is seen by Jolla as more easily achievable.


I agree with that. But I think it is ok though to only support one like of phone, Xperia 10, since all phone do more or less the same thing anyway. But the phone should at least then work well. The new idea to provide & sell their own phone is a good one, but this subscription model for it? that is not what people like, it put me off TBH.


You are not forced to use the subscription model, there will be a one-time-price license as well.


I think, if we want what we want (which is a third smartphone option) …
(even Microsoft couldn’t deliver that, faced with the onslaught of underhandedness from ios and google)
… then I think we have to be prepared to pay for it.

And when the flagship galaxy and iphones are $1000+, a monthly subscription doesn’t sound too bad.

I think the model of having input in the production of the phone via Reeder is very promising, rather than adapting the Sony phones after-the-fact, where any fixes for the Sony drivers seemed not to be integrated into the Sailfish OS at a later stage.


But Microsoft is just as bad as Google and Apple, regarding people’s privacy, that is why some people use Linux instead. Also Microsoft wanted to steal market from Google’s Apple’s app ecosystem. Sailfish, by supporting android apps, doesn’t. Unfortunately people still depend on certain apps, so android emulation will still be needed (unless you can figure out a way to make desktop websites display as mobile websites).

“And when the flagship galaxy and iphones are $1000+, a monthly subscription doesn’t sound too bad.” - you assume that the $1000+ are the linux phone people, maybe they would spend $1000, for a secure company phone, but I think most linux people are quite frugal, maybe they are thinking that an old clam phone would do well enough, “if only they could get certain apps they need on it”

I notice the Jolla store now has Xperia 10 V, for sale, with sailfish preinstalled, now that is a good idea.

I think that Jolla should partner with Pinephone personally, because Pinephone doesn’t even have google hardware drivers on their phones. Only that would need convincing the Pinephone people to allow their closed source code on their device. I guess they need to see that the fight is not with closed/open source, but with monolithic deep-state aligned corporations that seek to control everything, and the open, free enterprise model of innovation & choice.


I don’t see that Jolla offers a Xperia 10V with sailfish in their shop. They never sold Xperias and i don’t think they’ll ever do.


I checked this moment and also could only see Xperia X to Xperia 10 III and no newer device.

They are located on this page Xpera 10 V devices , they are refurbished.

here is a Xperia 10 V for 379 euros

jolla-devices != jolla


Right (maybe you have a case for copyright infringement), but it is as far as I know the only current way to get Sailfish OS on a modern device (without installing a bunch of programs and following a page full of incomprehensible (for the average person) instructions).

I couldn’t find that anywhere, do you have a link?

Sorry but my answer above related to this:

If you need help for flashing let us drink a beer here in Bremen and fix this together :beer:
No need for many words


This is a great oversimplification from a user point of view. There are reasons that smartphones are from 50€ up to 2000. From low level HW level the differences are even bigger. Huge actually.

And I don’t think there are many who would be ok without a choice. I definitely want it!


Microsoft is just as bad as google and apple. Very true
It was a little better before, but since they put the cloud indian in charge, it’s been a disaster.

Windows 11 is probably the worst and most disappointing version of Windows ever.


Come on, Windows 11 may be bad, but is waaaaay better than Windows ME.


How much have you offered to donate to them? To achieve your goal?

To keep them afloat.

Perhaps, just perhaps, they need, like most companies, indeed most people, more than one string to their bow?

I bought a Sailfish OS license.

I think this is the way companies should operate, by offering products on the market place and charging a competitive price for them, not by charity.

The reason I support Sailfish, Ubuntu and the others, is because the larger companies Google/Apple/Microsoft operate like a cartel, not only that, but they are working hand in hand with the NSA. We have got to get away from them, they are planning total control over us.


You’ve taken it the wrong way. You & I are very close. To quote a book some people believe in…

“Man cannot live by bread alone”

Certainly the companies you quote don’t. They have multiple income streams. I don’t see the problem, in fact I would encourage it from Jolla to ensure they hang around and are able to continue to offer me Sailfish. That they use their considerable skills to build new products shows just how innovative they are. Long may it continue.

Oh and to add, my privacy is paramount to me. I was one of the first to order a MIND2 - @ €75.


Tomorrow I will do a post that will scare you silly. I hope it will change the way you both see and use your “phone”.

FYI, I’ve been in this industry for over 40 years and built over 120 networks around the globe including USA and mainland China.

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