Jolla Mind2 progress

Now I would like to come to AI agents and for which purposes they are: Jolla Mind2 comes pre-loaded with a variety of AI agents, each designed to excel at specific tasks, empowering you to interact with your emails, calendars, and contacts effortlessly, sign documents securely, manage your tasks efficiently, send messages across platforms, and tap into a wealth of knowledge curated just for you. See also this video:

Holy sheep, sounds almost as exciting as Thermomix commercial!


You know itā€™s just a front for the NSA donā€™t you?

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The NSA doesnā€™t interest me. But I donā€™t want to be profiled by G**gle and Big Tech commerce.

But sheep are sooo cute. And tasty!

But not necessarily vice versa :smiley:


News about Jolla Mind2 development progress from Jolla can also be found at Jolla Mind2 Development Update.

Free, efficient, opensource local LLM exist and maybe use one of them.
What is a community agent ? Is it an agent developed by the community ?
There are better ā€œexpandableā€ hardware :
Rpi 5 + Ai Bundle (Hailo 8L) ā€“ Pineboards
Itā€™s an example amongst many others.
So, why the price of the Mind2 is so high ?

My apologizes. My post was useless.
The link Iā€™ve mentionned is just an hat for Rpi. These are NPU cards for RPi : (80$, 13 tops), Coral Dual Edge (40$, 8 tops), etcā€¦
Iā€™m convinced a linux distribution with LLM features will appear soon for RPi.
I donā€™t understand Mind2 project. Itā€™s easy to find cheaper.

Iā€™m sure the Jolla Boys team has worked a lot on Mind2. I respect that but for whatā€¦ for nothing new.
Love day 2 appears like a Steve Jobs show, targeting capital ventures.

ā€œIAā€, ā€œBig dataā€, ā€œCloudā€ are old technologies, new terms for fund raising. Hardware is become more affordable for big enterprises. Thatā€™s it. ChatGPT is just a differential equation with millions of parameters.
We did javascript requests/responses before the term ajax appears.

I donā€™t want an Apple or Google OS, so debloated AOSP sounds good, Graphene OS better and Sailfish OS is a good alternative. I use Sailfish X and Iā€™m satisfied with it except the old browser (many thanks to piggz for his work).
So, honestly, Iā€™ve ordered a Mind2, thinking it will be something different and I start to regret. Where was my mind ?

I know this is not the place for a such useless post. We have facebook, x, instagram, discord, ā€¦ for that.

ā€œThe Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesnā€™t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever hadā€
Itā€™s more and more true for all tech.
Buy to live or live to buy.

To moderators : please remove my posts.
Iā€™ve just needed a place to express my disappointment and Iā€™ve done.

Then it would really interest me why NSA is interested in me! :innocent:

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