Jolla Mind2 progress

Free, efficient, opensource local LLM exist and maybe use one of them.
What is a community agent ? Is it an agent developed by the community ?
There are better “expandable” hardware :
Rpi 5 + Ai Bundle (Hailo 8L) – Pineboards
It’s an example amongst many others.
So, why the price of the Mind2 is so high ?

My apologizes. My post was useless.
The link I’ve mentionned is just an hat for Rpi. These are NPU cards for RPi : (80$, 13 tops), Coral Dual Edge (40$, 8 tops), etc…
I’m convinced a linux distribution with LLM features will appear soon for RPi.
I don’t understand Mind2 project. It’s easy to find cheaper.

I’m sure the Jolla Boys team has worked a lot on Mind2. I respect that but for what… for nothing new.
Love day 2 appears like a Steve Jobs show, targeting capital ventures.

“IA”, “Big data”, “Cloud” are old technologies, new terms for fund raising. Hardware is become more affordable for big enterprises. That’s it. ChatGPT is just a differential equation with millions of parameters.
We did javascript requests/responses before the term ajax appears.

I don’t want an Apple or Google OS, so debloated AOSP sounds good, Graphene OS better and Sailfish OS is a good alternative. I use Sailfish X and I’m satisfied with it except the old browser (many thanks to piggz for his work).
So, honestly, I’ve ordered a Mind2, thinking it will be something different and I start to regret. Where was my mind ?

I know this is not the place for a such useless post. We have facebook, x, instagram, discord, … for that.

“The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had”
It’s more and more true for all tech.
Buy to live or live to buy.

To moderators : please remove my posts.
I’ve just needed a place to express my disappointment and I’ve done.

Then it would really interest me why NSA is interested in me! :innocent:

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Herewith you can see that the Mind2 is a complete Jolla-own development as also pointed out by Sami at the jolla ( - TechHub


The Birth of Mind2 - live: see here


See first look on the Mind2 byJoshStrobl


There is still development progress at See Jolla Mind2 release update process

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has jolla mind an api to use any model from an external app similar to how you can set it on gpt4all? I would be interested on accessing some models from an outside application.
I also would be interested to know if it has any models for speech recognition and for speech synthesis (tts)

More information to related APIs or SDK can be found here: Jolla Mind2

Pretty interesting everything that you are talking about. One doubt that comes to my mind is, with those specs, how many users could Mind2 handle at the same time? And, why should I buy the hardware when they are going to offer a cloud solution? As I guess that the cloud solution it’s going to be also as private as the device, and cost the same or similar (and saving 600€)


Was it anounced that there would be a cloud solution? As this is the concept of Jolla mind, a decentral personal cloud, staying in your house or appartment. Where only police or stateforce could come with a court order to confiscate the data, and if additionally the data is also encrypted. It would represent the biggest effort to protect your data and privacy. With cloud providers you always have the problem. Where is the conpany located does it fall under US juridiction. Are the servers located in the US or also under US juridiction. So Jollas concept of a local cloud seems to be a quite nice solution for that :slight_smile:

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Yes, they announced a cloud solution, that’s why I was surprised.

What do you think


They’re still ironing out the details for Venho Cloud however make no mistake that Mind2 can be ran completely locally already. So far what they have mentioned in Discord is that Venho Cloud would be a paid subscription model that would offer features such as (but not limited to) large parameter models in secure contexts (e.g. Amazon Bedrock) so you could, should you choose, use those instead of the local models.

Antti has mentioned on Discord:

We have clearly marked in the UI when you are working in non-private area. User would opt in for bigger model when for example writing something public (blog post etc). We should probably also allow users to define contexts where only local models can be used.

Beyond that, I’ve asked:

  1. If they’d offer a Home Assistant / Nabu Casa like option of having certificate handling and DNS-based solutions – That seems to be on the cards
  2. If they would offer tiers / different pricing, for example one that wouldn’t include cloud-based LLMs. @asaarnio2 said: “The subsription will include software updates and access to cloud llm running in Amazon Bedrock (Llama 70b ) + other premium features Venho team is developing). Its completely possible to use the device without monthly fees if someone does not want software updates and premium features and cloud ai access.” (Bolding is my own)

In other news:

Lots of good stuff coming!


Dope! Thanks!!
But, and sorry to come back again to this, I still don’t get that much having the mind2. Yes, I could use it “for free”, but, without updates… It doesn’t make that much sense, isn’t it? With new models and functions.
Apart from that, did they say that the cloud won’t be private as the box?

Also, do you know how many users can connect simultaneously and work without problems?

As the old saying goes, “there is no cloud, only someone else’s computer”. :slight_smile:


I like the name.
(Well, Nemo would have been best, but Mindy is good too).

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Jolla and presented at MWC 2025 their Mind2 “Mindy” :wink:. See MWC 2025: Jolla & Unveil Mindy Private AI Assistant


Will there be a venho App for sailfishos?

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It should be, it is a must!