Jolla Community Phone Q/A

i just tested voice calls over 2.5G on my 10III, and it still works just fine here on Long Island, NY.
so: yes, assuming your 2.5G coverage with T-Mobile is similar to mine.
(VoLTE is the only thing missing from XA2 or XZ2c. reception for LTE internet will be way better on XA2 compared to 10III)


Hi Teleshoes,

I will have 15days with the Pine Phone Pro Explorer Addition before the return deadline. I am kinda desperate to get back to sailfish. So I will give it go.

My issue with switching to the Sony “Walking Tall” X series phones is that they are way too tall for my liking … I am not sure why I can’t get past the esthetic of how that series of phones look. I fell in like with the XA2… the colours the style… and of course the sailfish OS despite my issues with it.

Thanks all for the help!


The caveat, or danger is that T-Mobile has promised repeatedly to turn off 2G. Right now there isn’t an active deadline, so that either means “not anytime soon” or “at any moment.” With no Volte support in SFOS on the XA2 series, all voice calls gotta drop to 2G. So if 2G goes away, T-Mobile might consider your device no longer compatible with their network – that’s what ATT did when they turned off 2G and 3G before my Xperia 10 II had volte support. On top of that, T-Mo’s 2G service in my area has been degrading lately, maybe passive-agressively pushing users to change their practices.

Gotcha I am on Red Pocket I may switch to there Tmobile side and go back to my XA2 for as long as I can… I had the pine phone for a few days…it was a lot of work for alot of money. I was excited but the basics just don’t work and if the battery drops below a certain voltage it turns it self into a paper weight. So its on its way sadly

Hmm regarding JC2:
I just looked up and that unisoc could be comparable to a volla mediatek if you ignore the gpu performance Unisoc T606 vs Helio G85: tests and benchmarks

(But then there’s Qt update’s 'formally we had some limitations regarding GPLv3" statement which was partially rebutted by “We did not announce that GPLv3 is good. Sami talked about former limitation that we had. Let’s see what future brings :)” that bothers me more than the specs of this device:)


Concerning LTE bands… the new Motorola Moto G04s also uses the Unisoc T606 SoC, so the LTE bands should be the same for the Jolla C2 (I prefer using “C2” to “CP”, on an unrelated note…): Motorola Moto g04s: Technische Daten, Test, News, Preise (in German, but the table should be self-explanatory for English readers as well).

@teleshoes According to said table, at least Band 5 should be available for the US.

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unfortunately, theC2 sounds like it will not have band 2 (which is the primary one for my telecom) or band 4 (which is the secondary one, and IS supported by the 10 III). band 5 is used by my carrier, but only in a single tiny area, from what i understand. also, my telecom (T-Mobile USA) is the only carrier that sailfish works on in USA.

it sounds like the 10 II+III (and IV+V eventually) remain the only choices for north america.


Yeah, I had a look… Band 5 with T-Mobile is only in use in Horry County/Myrtle Beach, SC, not that great. :woozy_face:

Video of Jolla C2 and its camera, on youtube here.


Yeah, and what does it really show? You can take a photo of a coffee mug! I really wonder if how these “stunning” pictures will become!

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Then just sell it here and buy a cheap android


What I mean is: if you do a youtube video about a camera you think is stunning - why not show it? If you think a camera is not important, don’t give that impression.

I need no advice what to do with my phone.

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Maybe you might opt in for some advice on how to behave here?
Just thinking.

not sure why you felt offended.

i just meant: in case you do not like the camera quality and want to switch back to android, it might be easier to get …

After telling you what to do with your phone, now they tell you how to behave. Commies!!!

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I guess I sensed some kind of face slap - be it mild… maybe you just gave a kind advice, in that case sorry for my somewhat harsh expression!

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I don’t think I’m the most suitable for that…

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Honestly guys, he’s right

The video says there is a fantastic 64mpx camera but we already know that if using camera1 drivers we will have poor photos but at 64mpx

If they think it’s so fantastic they could have showed us a night photo

Unless it’s using camera2 and it does wonders, althought i really doubt it

Now, if we flash sailfish into our xperias we already know we are losing a great camera to have a very bad one, it’s the price we are paying for privacy

But what if then the camera has just more megapixels but the same quality?should we call it false advertising?

Sorry, but not believing it’s a good camera until i see a least a low light photo…

OT: Please may I ask what’s the difference in technical terms between camera1-API and camera2-API? I read this often and know that the camera2-API is erased from Sony devices at flashung time, but I don’t understand the difference. Isn’t it always the same image sensor (CCD) chip? What’s the difference between controlling the camera by API1 or API2? Or is it the second hardware camera on the rear side of the phone?

I don’t think this is entirely true. Camera and Camera2 are android APIs that can be (but neither of them are mandatory) used by a camera firmware to expose its capabilities to developers. From my knowledge the xperia’s implements both camera and camera2. Camera2 gives more control over the hardware but at the same time requires more manual device specific settings, while Camera is more like higher level API. I don’t think it was clearly unveiled which APIs are available on the C2 but the video suggests the camera2 is to be implemented “for other devices that we are supporting”. However implementing Camera2 api doesn’t translate directly to a sudden change in the quality of photos - it is still the same sensor and what can be done with a camera 2 api is device specific.

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