Jolla Community Phone Q/A

From the talk on Monday, it sounded like it was too tricky for Jolla itself to deal with exports outside of EU (and a few neighboring countries) anytime soon. But that might not prevent some third party from exporting the device. As to working in USA, none of the websites I usually look at to determine phone/network compatibility seem to have heard of Reeder, so that’s not a good sign . . . And so far I haven’t found 4G and 5G band info on Reeder site. Not helpful that I don’t read Turkish and Google translate is not being my friend right now.

Signed – someone else eager for compatible SFOS phone here.

By “Google translate is not [your] friend”, do you mean it does not work sufficiently well, or you don’t like leaking information to Google? In case it’s the leakage that is a problem: I have been reading the Reeder website using Firefox Translations, which is a local tool (only information that leaks to Mozilla is that you have downloaded the Turkish language model). It was sufficient to make this website decipherable.


Yeah, I get that. I just ‘need’ the bigger screen and live with the bugs. I do quite a lot of image and video stuff on the phone, which is probably an edge case.


This is my observation. I bought Dropbox subscription during my wife’s phone migration from Xperia X to Xperia 10II hoping for smooth backup/restore over cloud (her SD card worked on Xperia X but didn’t work on Xperia 10II for some reason, so I couldn’t do it easier way). There was no backup visible on the new phone and after a quick look on Dropbox it was clear that backups are created under Device id folder and restore couldn’t see the Xperia X folder.

If this is unknown bug I’ll report it, I wasn’t in the mood after I finished restoring her data. Honestly, I cannot imagine someone not noticing this if their device is used as the daily driver.

Shipping in 3 months makes that highly unlikely, beyond very minor tweaks.

You’re right, that’s very tight, but it’s never too late to ask and we might be surprised how late changes can be made if their architecture is modular enough. There are components like the display, which should be easily swappable.

Q/A now posted in the lates Sailfish Community Update dated 23rd May

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Sailfish Community news 23rd May 2024 - selected Q/A
( mainly license and accessories related Q/A are listed, no hardware details yet)

What I did when I moved from XA2 to 10iii was to create a first empty backup on the new phone, such that it creates the new backup folder, then moved the backup file from the previous phone to that directory.
This is needed because the backup folders have weird names such as “(your account)/Sailfish OS/Backups/Xperia-XA2_zWPk9wGcZy/” so it does not find the backup file unless the correct folder name is created.
It worked for me, minus the issue of the changed username (nemo → defaultuser) because the SFOS versions on the old and new phone were also not the same.


This comment/question might be also a rhetoric one :upside_down_face:

How is that a reference device does not cover all supported features? I would understand if reference wouldn’t have the highest and the latest specs but it should have at least all that’s supported.

If this is a developer device wouldn’t be the missing fingerprint reader, 5G (, NFC?) a problem? Isn’t it kind of missing the point of being a reference developer device?

PS: thanks @Bohdan for highlighting that, I didn’t notice it’s missing the fingerprint reader. I agree that typing just a pass code isn’t ideal and it makes the device less daily-driver suitable in my eyes.


That’s exactly what I did when I realized what’s happening. Thanks for completing my answer :raised_hands:

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In this case, yes, the “not well enough” thing. I’m not a particular fan of their data collection, but since I intend to post online the results I that find based on translating other stuff already on line it’s not really an issue in this case.

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I prefer DeepL for privacy when translating online.


There have been complaints about certain versions not being compatible with eachother - and nemo vs defaultuser. But that where you store a backup would make it different, let alone incompatible - that is not something i have heard or seen.

i think i had the same issue in a previous upgrade, as described here in response to a previous post:

i can’t verify since then as i now just use an sdcard for backups

Xperia 10 III works fairly well in the USA on T-Mobile with SFOS, but not perfectly. only some of the LTE bands are supported, and not the most common one. (Xperia 10 V may even support 5G on T-Mobile in some places)

if the C2 has the 4G bands supported by T-Mobile, it will probably work.
however, it is unlikely that it will have those bands, since those bands are more or less only used in the USA.

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That’s not the issue I am talking about but I experienced that one too :smiley:

I mean the issue which is well described by

That’s still an issue. But I don’t mean just that. I mean having the backup/restore function really reliable (despite the storage) and being able to backup application data (reliably those developed by Jolla, experimentally Harbour ones and perhaps even the Android apps one day). That’s an essential feature to be able to live long within the Sailfish ecosystem.

It looks like they added a uid to the device name, so it’s essentially the same issue. I think a solution for this would be to develop the Backup/restore function to include the file picker and allow the user to select a backup to restore

Edit: The added functionality you desire can be found in @slava 's My Backup app on Openrepos

So if I get A 10V or 10III and get another copy of Sailfish I could use the phone here in the US.
I just ordered a pine phone pro because it said it had sailfish on it… but I think I will send it back… If I can??? and get a Sony… I just miss the OS and it being so clean.

Been using a Lumia 950 windows phone since I the 3G shut down… and it bites.


ive been using 10III with SFOS as my daily driver since June 2022 here in NY.

  • provider is T-Mobile. the main T-Mobile LTE band is not supported by the 10III, but the secondary band is.
  • ive used the phone in NYC, albany, chicago, cleveland, boston, interstate highways, and all over Long Island, NY. i get pretty good LTE reception most places, but not everywhere.
  • VoLTE works flawlessly (except i dont hear the ring-back-tone anymore when im dialing a number)
  • i see 4G and 2.5G all over the place, even though TMO claims to have shut down GPRS and EDGE.
  • SMS+phone works fine over 2.5G
  • MMS works well enough, but i have to be on wifi and i occasionally have to restart ofono. (i CANNOT figure out why i have to be on wifi, as it doesn’t seem to use the wifi in any way, according to mms-engine logs)
  • i routinely see LTE internet speeds of 3.5mbps to 7.0mpbs. (on my XZ2 compact, which supports all tmobile LTE bands but not, unfortunately, VoLTE, i got 6mbps - 14mbps. i switched when they finally announced the death of GPRS…which still hasn’t come)

you should test the pinephone pro, though! it supports VoLTE in hardware, so i hear, so should work pretty well with SFOS on T-Mobile USA.

i have been considering switching since the LTE band support is MUCH better. the cameras are nicer on the 10III, and i got very used to aliendalvik8 the last two years (i used waydroid on XZ2c, and aliendalvik4 before that). i dunno

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So wait a tick… if I switch to Tmobile, will my Sony XA2 Still work? Just wondering… Sorry so may questions.