Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

Previous update here Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries - #87 by rainemak


I can test in France (Bouygues) if that helps


I can do Orange in Belgium.


As far as I can see, you do not need anymore help from people testing in Germany?

If I’m wrong and you’re still looking for someone, I could test O2 in Germany.

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I am able to do some testing in the netherlands on different providers (Odido, KPN)

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For a phone that should work out of the box like the C2, Jolla should install all these additional extras (MicroG, Play Store whatever) for us. I love Sailfish but I need to use some apps that are only of Google play store, require play services etc. so I have no choice.

This would be silly at least. Make a move for development of open operating system free of any chains, then develop this system, fight for it for years. And at the end make it just another android. This is pointless.

Also, google play services aren’t jolla property. So it just cannot throw it on the phone.
If you can’t get most of the stuff working using less and less android and less and less google you should go back to android. AAS is only the a add-on if you will.


No, I wll never use google services. If you want that, install it by yourself or buy an android phone.


I want to avoid Google as much as you but reality is that there are some apps I can’t do my work without.

How do I cancel my order? I paid the deposit but my priorities have changed and I’m prepared to wait. I looked on the payment notice for the deposit but couldn’t see anything there that might relate to cancellation.

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The normal thing in legal systems are that contracts are binding - even though many entities practices a more laxed position and accepts cancellation/returns etc. That your own priorities changes after you enter an agreement, is therefore at the outset something you yourself must carry the risk for.

That said, I don’t exactly remember the wording of the agreement on the C2, but if you say that you cannot find anything relating to cancellation, well, then, bad luck to you (-- unless Jolla anyhow, for some reason or another, anyhow kindly accepts a cancellation from your side, that is …).

If contracts are binding, it should work both ways. End of July, final payment, August starts deliveries. Now is Sept and not a single word from Jolla about a phone (besides "we are still working on it)

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Just bought a voucher where it was clearly stated that the 50eur payment is not paid back. Now I have one year to think if paying the rest to get the phone.


Just write Jolla on their Zendesk page:

It sure said that the payment is not refundable, but it also also stated payment in July and delivery in August. Reading about VoLTE I think it will likely take at least 1-2 month from now. I don’t understand why people at Jolla make it so difficult for themselves. Couldn’t they just have given themselves more time from the start? Also would be nice if communication would be better. Personally I really loved the Jolla 1 and will (more or less) happily wait for another couple of month. Maybe a little more waiting makes you a happy C2-owner :slight_smile: That said: If you’re unhappy why not write Jolla as miau suggested or if that doesn’t help request a refund from Paypal. After all they didn’t keep their side of the bargain

Basically this is true, but:

A. Can we really think, on the background of how SW development/deliveries generally are provided, that “1-2 months” means absolutely no longer than 2 months – or should we read it as a period of a length somewhere about at least a couple of months. (I find it hard to believe that anybody who read this expected it to be any less than two months…)

B. Whatever answer we may give to A. above, after the point in time where we may actually find that the other party have bound themselves to deliver, the normal legal thing to do is then ask: If there now is a breach of contract, has there now arisen a material breach of contract that may give the other party the right to declare himself loosened from the agreement? (Between the time of contractual delivery and the point in time where the right to cancel the contract arises, there may have occurred a basis for demanding some less draconian kind of remedy for breach of contract, like e.g. a reduction in price, torts etc.)

The answer to this latter question can i.a. be influenced by how the parties have had reasonable grounds to understand the other party’s needs and requirements. So:

a), what information have Jolla received from you about your pressing needs to have the delivery performed at a certain date?, and
b) what do you know about Jolla’s situation and the general state of this kind of business? (-- which brings us a to some extent back to A. above).

(For my own part I have had a couple of Xp V somewhere around unopened for quite some time now. I have, however, no reason to believe that Jolla have dropped their expressed commitment to make SFOS working on them in some way, and that Jolla are not doing their best to make that happen, so I just wait. We all want to be informed, and good customer information is a way for companies to keep their customers quite satisfied, even when delivery plans don’t develop as originally hoped for. So I do appreciate the info we get now and then - which is now much better than before, thank you. But as others have pointed to, with limited resources I think the most important thing is that Jolla perform development work. Have you reason to believe that they don’t do their best efforts to get C2 and IV/V up and running?)

In spain we say: 40 años con los indios y aún no conoces a caballo loco.

Looks like you have people already but I would be happy to test on the Three network in Ireland, if it would be helpful.

That statement from Jolla sounds like I can make the final payment in July 2025, therefore let Jolla keep my phone safely for a year and postpone the warranty to 2027 if I plan to use C2 next year or further. That’s something not often seen on other pre-orders… Maybe I can even expect a lower price during the year.

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Voin testataa Virossa jos vielä tarvitset

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