Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

Funny, the excel formula did not work. On the other hand UK price of the phone (after voucher deduction) was exactly the same as price+vat for euros, so leaving the euro would not lead to cheaper phones, in fact they should invoice you for the lost vat :stuck_out_tongue:

The courier is not from the IRS, just show him the excerpt that says nothing to pay on delivery, then file a ticket with jolla about tax refund I guess, lets see how our new friends blow this up for free publicity
Edit: inb4 computer glitch caused our software to display 0 tax when proper tax was calculated (phone price was always 249 minus tax, cheatcode)
Edit2: don’t think the refund is happening, or everyone could claim one for a few percents here and there:

How could things like steam work in EU when their 5€ sale is actually 4.77/5.35 and we need to hire a tax lawyer for each, correction on the invoice you should be able to get

I’ll bite just for fun. :wink:

Be careful. That is Libel.

I guess this is normal say for UK, CH : you pay for the import from an EU country. If we are entitled to get something back, we will find out just asking the customs. But I think all feels right. Anyway, all this is minor in front of having a decent SailfishOS phone.

My order includes the transparent sleeve + the screen protecting glass. I didn’t mention this !

They should have your country rate of vat as ‘taxes’ with which sum would make 249 euros (or pounds or swiss francs whatever equivalent), something effed up to give you 0 tax indeed, not really sure any jolla fan is concentrating on that when new hw is reaching hands of fans, but I’m sure some will bite and have an overbite, maybe verge or hn will pick this sneaky tax fraud case (lets hope)

Not only CH or UK have vat, this has nothing to do with ch/uk being outside of eu? You pay vat on pretty much everything, not only imports

Of course everyone has. And somewhere it has to be paid. For CH, here all of the relevant info : Die Post - HTTP Fehlerseite.

So CH, your price for the vat+phone was 249 euro (after 50 voucher buy in), you can count 8% of that that is missing on the invoice (in the end the price minus vat was higher than high vat countries, unironically)


To help you…

I fully expect to have to pay the MwSt on the €250 price.

I think the amount to pay is reasonable. I didn’t do the exact math, but more or less, the import cost includes taxing + other “processing” fees. Something like :

Swiss post charges CHF 48.30 for :

  1. Swiss VAT (MWST) : ~ CHF 22.36 (8.1% on CHF 276, the declared value of goods and shipping).
  2. Customs Clearance Fees : CHF 10 to CHF 19
  3. Other Fees : the rest

I still think the 0 tax was worth bringing up, plenty of people non-well wishing for jolla as always, at least they can issue corrections before the IRS asks them to, thanks!

We shouldn’t normally pay MwSt on the shipping, that is a local tax to the source country. Luckily I think it’s under any value grenze for import taxes…

You can’t stop digging can you :smiley:

What do the IRS have to do with anything?

The Finnish authority is Businesses -

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Final payment send for order 1703. Kinda wish I could have picked it up. Kinda expensive to ship something in pretty much the same city.


Could have picked it up in the pub and had a bier with them!!

Although I would’ve preferred pickup from Hervanta, Restaurant Plevna would’ve been nice, too: Helles Weizenbier mit Hefe (oder Weizenbock) und Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut (oder Thüringer Wurst mit Kartoffelsalat).

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What is “EES” supposed to be, do you mean the EEA (European Economic Area)? This would include Liechtenstein and Iceland, which are not listed among the available countries, only “European Union, UK, Norway and Switzerland”. You claiming that these three non-EU members (and in case of UK and Switzerland, non-EEA members) “are basically EU” and “prepaid VAT is expected” is complete nonsense, exports into those countries from the EU are VAT-free, instead there is the import sales tax to be paid by the recipient on entry.

Maybe it’s time for a little more restraint, before punching random thoughts into your keyboard? Jolla isn’t committing tax fraud, since they aren’t supposed to collect VAT to begin with (for those customers outside of the EU). Jolla has always been calculating purchase prices (for hardware or licenses) as “fixed price” affairs, regardless of how high the individual VAT rate of the customer actually is, assumably for reasons of simplicity and convenience, to save on administrative overhead (just as they don’t offer personal pickup in Tampere for those reasons, as mentioned by rainemak). Of course it would be good, if Jolla would be reducing prices for customers with lower or no VAT accordingly (in case of the latter so that the customer saves on the calculated import sales tax), but I would classify the “excess sum”, that Jollyboys keeps, as a donation for a good cause. :person_shrugging:


To the Netherlands

249,00 €

18,90 €

Taxes NL btw 21.0 (included)
46,49 €

Total 267,90 €