Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

I did ask my wife for her creditcard

Heh. I don’t ask in general, but when traveling, for some reason my GF’s Visa is more reliable than my Mastercard!!! So, yes, I ask her.

still waiting for the link.

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Neither - but I do happily use a Mastercard Debit card. Much easier…
Would that work?

Mine from small local bank did.

Will a successful final payment show up in

[EDIT:] No it does not. But a confirmation Email is sent.

I had some hickups when paying (due to things like uMatrix), my Credit Card overview shows the payment transaction as successful, but the Jolla Shop Purchase history does not list the final payment.

This was only a couple of minutes ago, so maybe it’s not yet there but I wanted to confirm.


I don’t see it in my purchases history. I got confirmation email though, so see if you got one.


Thanks. Yes, email is here.

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It looks like the first batch was for users who will be testing VoLTE.


Good idea. May I use her card as well?


Hi, when is planned next batch of the final payment? this week or later?

sorry, she is no that kind of girl :slight_smile:

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The final device purchases do not show up in purchase history. They are done via separate service, as handling sales of physical things requires a bit more than our shop is capable of.

But if you got the confirmation email, then everything should be ok.


Hi @pherjung ,

Not 100% accurate. We’re sending final payment links first come first serve basis. Surely, VoLTE testers overlap with first pre-orders. Same time, we are putting effort that we could deliver devices to September 27-30 - Sailathon 24 in Prague :crossed_fingers: .


Juste a question, if i go to Sailthon in Prague, i have to receive C2 directly there in Prague or you will send me via postal service?

I have ordered it. Hopefully, it will arrive before December. :slight_smile:

Did have an ideal button to pay (Netherlands) but still used my credit card to get some insurance. :wink:

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I ordered the Jolla C2 on 20th of May 24 (on Jolla LoveDay) at 18:30 and still got no payment email.

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I am patient but I worry because there will be a limited batch.

Thanks for answer, can we know when is planned to send final payment link to last person? Thx in advance.

EDIT. Ok, I see that mass production is planned 24-30 September. So can we expect final payment link and delivery in October?

Just visited Marmaris and the sun shines also in the shopping center over there.