Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

Got the mail. Smashing that payment button!


Got the email as well! Paid the moment I saw it. Let’s goooooo :tada:


Clicking on the link only results in

Something went wrong.
What happened?
Cart Error: Email is invalid
What can I do? Return to the previous page.

Maybe the shop can handle e-mail addresses with a plus sign in the local part?

I had that problem, had to edit the URL to encode the + (as %2b) and then it worked just fine.


For me it is possible to pay only via Credit Card. Before I was able to pay via PayPal. I would like to us PayPal now again. Is that behaviour expected?

I think that shop can handle plus marks, kind of – I think it’s mostly mime/type handling that fails. We just didn’t realise those and didn’t encode those. The next batch of the final payment links should have them encoded.

Thank you!


Hello @rainemak i Hope you are good.

I love Jolla since the first day.

The jolla team has done a great job since the first days from Jolla 1 to this C2. Congratulations.

I just paid for my C2 order with you link.

Will you send the order this week?

I’m so excited to try the new version of sailfish inside C2.

Have a good week.

Thanks, encoding the email address manually worked for me.

Something else that could be improved is the possibility of combining multiple orders in a single shipping. Currently, every order needs to be paid for and shipped separately.

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Combining multiple orders in to one is a difficult task. That would be extra effort. Let’s see if we can do something for those multi-orders.

Friendly regards,


Read above for more info.

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What’s with the rounded hole(s)?
On the protector: an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor? (:doubts:)
On the back cover: ?


@rainemak is it planned that we can use PayPal for the purchase or is it credit card only?

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I had the same issue. simply edit out the +tag in the url and you can proceed to the payment :slight_smile:

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Hu Hu,

i,m going to order a Jolla C2 now…
i only have one question about the sofware subscription …can you always renew the license for one year
or is it then automatically debited from your credit card?

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Q: I get the point you want to charge a subscription but would rather pay it yearly, will that be possible?
A: Yes, it will be.


Let’s consider PayPal option but currently not available.


I was able to pay with Bancontact. So handy. Thanks JollyBoys ! :grinning:


Will it be possible to pay with Ideal?
Creditcard is also ok, but if possible I prefer European Ideal. Paypal is a no go for me.

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just take my her money :smiley:


Why was it even offered for the first payment (50€)? For me, as a person which do not own a credit card, it is not possible to move forward now.