Is there an official mastodon presence?

Once upon a time I actually joined Twitter to follow Jolla HQ. At the beginning of this year, however, I decided that X simply wasn’t Twitter anymore and decided to leave. I chose Mastodon as the alternative. Mastodon as a social media has some advantages to X, the decentralized structure being one of them. I’m following some very active accounts there which keeps me somewhat updated with things happening in the Sailfish world.

I would also like to follow a verified Mastodon account for the company.


I second that request - a presence on an open-source, ads-free, algorithm-free social media site would be a great fit for Jolla imho, and I would love to follow them there.


The instance I suggest for the official account is Fosstodon.

Fosstodon is a Mastodon instance that is open to anyone who is interested in technology; particularly free & open source software.


@Jolla or @JollaHQ or@Jollyboys don’t have unfortunately an account at Mastodon :cry: and back in the days with Twitter, I mainly followed JollaHQ. Well, these days on the other hand there is a lot of stuff to be found about Jolla and SailfishOS on Mastodon.
A nice surprise, Jolla-Devices ( - TechHub is there but this is not linked to the company Jollyboys.


That’d be nice, I feel that the fediverse in general has an audience that would be interested in alternative mobile OSes and has a certain presence in europe (Mastodon was started in Germany and the whole neutral/open networking is seen by many as a third road between US/Chinese social networks).


Another option is to build a community around Ditto, a platform that integrates the fediverse and Nostr natively Ditto | Soapbox.

As an extra, you could consider adding activitypub support to the forum ActivityPub Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta.

We updated footers for each website so that we have linking.


I am very happy indeed. …and I’m a follower now. I was waiting for the verification.

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