Nope, not if the app isn’t working as expected. This could also be an Android App running in the background.
My Xperia 10 III last easily more than a day, let’s say 1.5 days. This is not an optimal consumption of course. At the same, I use my daily driver heavily during a day. I have Signal, WhatsApp, Matrix and Sailfish email (manual sync thou) running all the time. I also make a lot of calls during a day and have most of the time browser humming in the background. For each Android app that I need, I have background services enabled. That said, I do not have any extra apps or background services running.
I mostly use mobile data. I have very rarely WLAN enabled, if I have it enabled it is mostly for mobile data sharing.
Could you elaborate what you have running and how you’re using our device? It’s known thing (for all devices and ports) that if you have gps enabled and location fixed all the time that causes battery draining. It is very hard to identify anything without any further evidence / ideas what’s causing your battery drain.
Is discharge rate an average in sysmon? or the last read
I dont use it actually that much at the moment. If you look at “Wlan signal” and “cell traffic” you see that I havent had much traffic the last days. Normally I browse during the moring or evening some websites like news websites or strava. During the day I just use apps like whatsapp, kleinanzeigen, mail or sms. And I talk to people maybe 1-2 times / day about 2 mins. Sometimes I hear music or podcast with it.
Bluetooth, wlan, gps I have turned off when I dont need them.
Normally, I try to keep the battery between 20-80%.
Thats about it.
Now its 2.13%. Seems like 3.19 is not the average, but if I look a the graph it is often above 2.5%
If your 10 III lasts 1.5 days (i.e. 36 hours), then considering its battery capacity of 4500 mAh it means that it consumes on average 125 mA (as 4500 mAh / 36 h = 125 mA), which is around 2,8% per hour. So power consumption of your 10 III actually isn’t any better than @makarch’s.
Simple maths
OK, so my 10 III got its mainboard replaced by Sony authorized service center under warranty (last two days of it, actually ). The device had increasing difficulties with connecting to 2G network and some other issues. I don’t know what exactly was at fault, they simply replaced the whole mainboard.
With the new mainboard, the 10 III now correctly lowers power consumption in 4G mode, actually to identical levels as on 2G. With 4G and WiFi on, when not in active use the device draws 30 - 60 mA, which doesn’t differ at all from 2G. The very same power consumption is also on 5G network.
Bottom line: the highly increased 4G power consumption of my unit was caused by some HARDWARE FAULT of my device. With the new mainboard it works as a charm. Still not in par with the XA2 Ultra, but more than tolerable.
So if you have much increased power consumption on 4G like I had, staying at 200-300 mA and not dropping even when the device is idling, go have your 10 III tested for hardware faults…
I’m so happy that I decided to send my 10 III to service center only a few days before warranty ran out and that it was repaired, so that I again have it working like a charm. I’m not sure if I still need my new 10 V anymore…
Did you have that bad battery consumption on android, if you were using it on your device? I had android on xperia 10 III for a couple of months and its battery consumption was fine. Is this problem caused only by faulty hardware + sailfish?
I wasn’t using it on Android in the recent months so I can’t tell (it’s been my daily driver, so I had no time to test it on Android lately). I sent it for repair because it developed a problem with 2G network connectivity (described elsewhere), not because of power consumption. But it turned out that replacing the mainboard also greatly reduced 4G power consumption, so it must have been also caused by hardware fault. That’s all I can tell.
Hopefully that is the explanation, but on tge other hand you don’t have yet access to appSupport so maybe it was that:D
Just a checks-and-balances question, to which the answer is likely “Yes”:
Are you 100% sure that this is fully unrelated to using an Android 13 base in combination with Sony’s software binaries for Android 12 v2a
(i.e. SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_12_4.19_v2a_lena
). IOW, did you measure power consumption in the same way you do it now when using the old Xperia 10 III motherboard with an Android 13 base (and later with an Android 12 one) in combination with Sony’s software binaries for Android 12 v2a
(as you described here in detail)?
Definitely not. When I was trying to examine the increased power consumption (and then also 2G connection issues), I did thoroughly test it without AppSupport running and there was no change. It was tested on a freshly installed SFOS (several different versions of it), different base Android OS versions (11-13), various Sony binary blobs, etc. No difference. I do not have AppSupport automatically enabled on boot, I run it manually when needed and then switch it off. So having it NOT running is actually the default and standard situation in my case.
Yes, because before the repair I was also using several other combinations, including Android 13 base (with both Android 11 v9a and Android 12 v2a binaries) and power consumption on 4G was equally high on all of them (and never dropping below 200-500 mA, even when the device was completely idle). At the moment, after the repair, I currently have Android 13 + Android 11 v9a blobs, which is a combination that I did use quite long (more than a month, directly before switching to Android 12 base + Android 12 v2a binaries) before the mobo replacement, and the power consumption on 4G (and 5G) is now completely different (much lower) than then, on par with power drain on 2G, i.e. 100-130 mA screen on, dropping to 30-60 mA when idle.
I haven’t changed anything when it comes to how I use the phone, what applications I have installed on it, where I use it, same SIM card, etc. I even tested it with the very same OS restored from dd image (rootfs and home imaged 1 day before sending the phone for repair). So actually the ONLY thing that differs is the new mainboard. Yet 4G power consumption is completely different, i.e. muuuuch lower.
Whole day on 4G / 5G today, still 66%. Before the repair it’d have been in the 25-30% range at this time of day on 4G.
P.S. I have now reinstalled SFOS from scratch, considering that it’d be a good opportunity to start anew and get rid of all the garbage that was collected during 2,5 years. But due to not having access to the AppSupport in the Jolla store (because I have a new IMEI and the licence doesn’t see it) I may consider going back to the imaged old system, which contains AppSupport running very well and not caring whether the licence sees it or not.
One remark to the above: obviously, it still means that 10 III power consumption isn’t optimal, as it is still considerably higher than that of e.g. the XA2 Ultra (which should actually be more hungry for power than 10 III due to its older SoC and LCD display). During the time that my 10 III was in service, I was using the XA2U, which (using 4G network) was giving me similar work / standby times that now the 10 III does after repair, but the XA2U was delivering it out of its 3580 mAh battery, i.e. 1000 mAh smaller. As discussed many times previously, while maybe power drain when in use is similar, when idling the XA2U is able to go as low as 7 mA, compared to 30+ mA in case of the 10 III.
So while mobo replacement fixed the EXCESSIVE, literally CRAZY power drain of my 10 III when using the 4G network (strangely not present while using 2G network), this device’s power drain on SFOS (especially when idle) is still sub-optimal, to call it nicely.
I just tried to send my xperia 10 III to warranty repair in Finland due to high power consumption and 4g signal taking eternity to pick up after booting, thinking it might be related to wetab73’s issue. Guess what? It came back warranty voided cause I “tampered my software”. I did relock bootloader, so shouldn’t they only see bootloader was unlocked at some point, and shouldn’t they proove it was actually tampered with? I understood that merely opening bootloader is not excuse to void warranty.
On top of it all, they charged me 50€ for voided warranty repair attempt, which guy at the store failed to mention. I can probably get my 50€ back based on that they failed to mention possibility of fee, but do you think I should fight the Sony repair shop on getting my repair? Again I get the feeling that corporations have more rights than people.
Before sending mine for repair, I not only relocked the bootloader and reinstalled the latest official Sony’s Android release, but additionally I disabled the option to allow bootloader unlocking, which is in Developer tools in Android (the one that takes 5 or so taps to be unhidden). Maybe it was left enabled in your case. Or maybe in my case they simply didn’t bother to check if any alien software was ever used.
Anyway, I didn’t send my device for manufacturer’s warranty repair but under merchant’s responsibility for defects (non-compliance with the contract). It is also 2 years, guaranteed by law and it’s much better and simpler to enforce.
Yes, you should. Unless they prove that the defect has virtually any connection with you having ever used any unofficial software.
I think you could make a solid argument that this is authorised by the Sony Open Device program and the use of Sony supplied software tools, unless there was some explicit warning that using Emma and unlocking your phone would invalidate the hardware warrantee.
Ask them if this fault was caused by the Sony tools that you used?
Ask them where Sony contradicts the open devices program, in writing?
Ask them for a refund of the full purchase price as Sony marketed you a device with the explicit promotion of, and with your sole purpose of, availing yourself of the Open Devices program, and you would, obviously, never have bought such a product with no warrantee on the hardware.
I think they would be on pretty weak ground unless they can show something in writing around the open devices program and Emma.
BTW, FreeTSA is a great way to make a timestamped, signed PDF copy of a webpage, so you can capture what Sony offered you, warrantee terms etc, at a particular point in time, and they can’t change it, or realistically argue in court that it never said that. Always use it to capture what the website says, before you draw their attention to it.
What’s with the random bashing of things left and right?
Source please!
Where is the relation to battery drain???