This is actually something else than what’s in the topic made by @pherjung but it’s kind of similar but on the different level.
The only catch here is that this must be done by Jolla itself.
Here are my thoughts.
The big problem we can see often is the adaptation of new HW. Every time new phone shows that Jolla want to support, a lot of effort must be put to have this working and the outcome is often mixed for quite a while. I’m not saying Jolla is not making the job, I would say that it’s probably quite the opposite, yet their hands are often tied.
What’s the solution? Actually it’s what has been done in the past, an own phone. I know - been there, done that, lot’s of money etc.
Yeah true, but how many companies there was like Jolla back then? Right now we have:
Jolla, Volla, Librem.
I think right now some of you are catching up.
Now the problem is that these companies has their phones but from my point of view it’s kind of utopia. Marginal user base and so. Yet they somehow made it but the status is low. Lack of know how that Jolla has? No idea, maybe or maybe not.
There are still more other players like: LineageOS, /e/, postmarketOS… etc etc etc.
All them together, well there are a lot of developers that constantly… duplicate the same work of each other! It’s pointless and resource waste which is a problem when there are so few resources.
The problem in the end they are trying to solve is always the same - get rid of google spy, give some alternative etc etc etc.
So I think a debate should be done between all these project owners. And the idea to make a new phone for everybody should be started but I’ll say this again, not a frying pan. It must be small!
Yes I’m always voting for this, yet I have strong arguments behind this. First, the target won’t be only users of these projects, you want to target higher!
We know that when apple is kiling small phones because they see no benefits from it, but the numbers are not bad:
not bad for projects were talking about. The SE was cut off and production limited to 20mln of products! If a fraction of that would buy this phone, that would be great and would give some fuel for the projects.
say even 100k of users that’s still a lot. On kickstarter, the projects for phones are getting much less.
But of course these are just words and we need someone with accounting knowledge to calculate the costs of manufacturing “small” phone, and releasing it to the market to some shops or even if not shops, at least make some good noise in the stream but I think we could at least help with this.
Anyway the phone should be small enough so it would attract those people that doesn’t want big phone. There’s plenty of them and they’re not not technical enough to install soft on their own.
So the software must be preinstalled but no, not Sailfish, not /e/, not librem, etc… Pure Android even with google crap. It must be Something users knows, and won’t throw away.
It must have decent camera - it’s important now, good battery which shouldn’t be a big prob with smaller screen. Be dual-sim - yes that’s right!.
And generally this is all for the mass market but for the others there’s a cherry on the topping.
It will be created by the cooperation of the projects so they will have all the documents or one of them because probably some NDA will be needed to properly integrate with HW. On top of that abstraction must be created so all other projects can benefit from it. Actually from what I understand, there’s already something like this so it needs polishing.
I know, saying this is easy. Trust me, to sum this up, wasn’t as easy as just saying it.
I’d like to open discussion and this time, input from Jolla is more than needed. What’s more I’d like others to help me reach other projects general members to come here and say what they think. For now we want to talk because it always start from conversation.
Of course if such trials has been made in the past and I’m just not aware of this, please let me know and just remove this waterfall of words.
@flypig I’d like to ask you officially to help me with this to reach to proper peoples