GUI Reduced Sizing (Zoom Factor)

Is there a way to have five rows of icons on the app drawer, and an overall reduced sizing of GUI? I prefer to see more information on a page than having to scroll for it.

I saw a while ago ‘zoom factor’ was a thing, but haven’t seen it mentioned recently - is this still a thing? Or is there another way to modify it? On Android you could change the DPI to get the same effect.

I’m using an XA2.

Check this topic : UI-Themer missing from OpenRepos

Thanks. I should have tried a bit harder in my searching!

The title is not really relevant :wink:

This post explained how to do exactly what I was wanting: UI-Themer missing from OpenRepos

It worked for I used nano editor to edit the silica-configs.txt file, as root file explorers don’t seem to work with the 4.0 update.

I tried this on an Xperia 10, changing the ratio to 1.5 - also tried on an XA2 and it worked great - but what I enjoyed afterward was being able to change text size in the settings to something that was more reasonable - normal was small, and large was normal when running at a lower theme pixel ratio.

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I’m glad it helped!

Also, you can get more granular control over your on screen font sizes using dconf. Instead of “normal”, “large”, or “huge”, you can fine tune it to your needs:

dconf write /desktop/jolla/theme/font/sizeMultiplier <multiplier> 

Where multiplier is a number of your choice. The default is 1.0, but you can go up or down. My favorite is 0.85.

Good luck!