UI-Themer missing from OpenRepos

I did some experimentation to get DPI changes working on 3.4 (I’m on the very latest, and I’ve discovered a way to make it work since dconf write no longer seems to work, even with the vendor locks disabled:

First, make sure you have the sailfish graphics packages installed:

devel-su pkcon install --allow-reinstall -y sailfish-content-graphics-default-z1.0-base sailfish-content-graphics-default-z1.25-base sailfish-content-graphics-default-z1.5-base sailfish-content-graphics-default-z1.75-base sailfish-content-graphics-default-z2.0-base sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z1.0 sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z1.25 sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z1.5 sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z1.75 sailfish-content-graphics-closed-z2.0

Make your edits, for example, I edited /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d/silica-configs.txt and set it to the following:


After saving, I used dconf compile to recompile the keys directory into a binary, like so:

dconf compile /etc/dconf/db/vendor.new /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d

Then, backup the old vendor file:

cd /etc/dconf/db
mv vendor{,.bak}

Then move your new vendor file into place:

mv vendor.new vendor

After rebooting, your DPI will be set, and your icons will show up since you have the graphics packages installed from earlier.

I just tested it on two XA2 Ultras, one fresh flashed, and one OTA’ed.

I hope this helps someone, at least. Let me know if you run into any issues.