FOSDEM'25 stand

In previous years we’ve run a successful Linux on Mobile stand at FOSDEM. It represented several mobile Linux distributions including Sailfish OS.

As the deadline for stand submissions is approaching (7th November) I wanted to gauge interest. Should we do it again this year?


I plan a visit there :heart_eyes:. Finally!

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I see you (David) have a talk FOSDEM 2025 - Mobile Browsers: the Best of Times, the Worst of Times in a FOSDEM 2025 - FOSS on Mobile Devices track, will there be any other Sailfish related presentations? Will there be stands like last year?


Sorry for such a late reply @pvde. In case you or anyone else plans to travel to FOSDEM, there’s a bunch of Sailfish OS stuff planned.

Sailfish will be present on the Linux on Mobile stand K1-C-6 on both days (I’ll be there; please say “hello”!). There will be a Sailfish event on Saturday night at The Black Sheep which will be amazing. There will also be a Sailfish BoF on Sunday 11:30.

As for presentations, you already picked out the FOSS on Mobile devroom which I think will be most relevant. The libhybris and OpenAGPS talks stand out for me, but I’d love to hear if anyone has other suggestions.


Hi @flypig thank for the reply, it was nice seeing you last year (we talked at the booth). Unfortunately not this year. I was in Brussels this week on other business but ended up not staying for the weekend. Hope you have a nice event, and maybe next year again?

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Sorry to hear I won’t be seeing you there again @pvde. Definitely next year then!

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