Flightstat/flight tracker app or similar?



probably ‘shouldn’t’ be a dialog? but the api key field?

Hmmm. So, I checked. Flights from BER Berlin. Still get nothing. I tried a couple of other flights for the same time frame but other airlines and got nothing. I’ll try debugging when I find some time next week. Maybe it’s the war chaos?

I think the problem is the provider of the data. :frowning: I tried multiple from berlin, and they worked, for example TK1722, LY2372, ua235… (I put everything together, if you put space didn’t work, something to add into issues, and fix it)

But the flight you commented, don’t work.

Yeah, it’s a bit odd. In the tickets, tailwind flights were TI681 but the actuall flight are TWI681 (for instance). I think it’s a bit chaos at the moment. I’ll have a look next week, thanks!

it worked with the new flight code?

Nope. I also tried a couple of others flying about the same time. None of them were found. I’ll do some debugging next week.

that’s weird, but I don’t think is a problem of the app, at the end, I simply do the request to the provider (I don’t remember the name). Did you check if the same flight appears in I was trying it now, and It didn’t appear:
TWI681 - TWI 681 Flight Tracker


P.D.: Maybe we can talk about that on an issue or a private message? until we find the solution?

@poetaster @nephros I added a P/R for the on-enter in the search fields, It’s working but feel free to check/comment/merge:

Also, if you are interessed, I realise the error screen was not working, and I fixed it here:

In the next week, I will try to generate a new version with that fixes.

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