Flatpak on Xperia 10 II - Aarch64

Is it possible to install 64bit Flatpak Support for Aarch64 Devices such as the Xperia 10 II following the instructions on GitHub - sailfishos-flatpak/main: Documentation and issues and simply replace the command to add the repository by
devel-su ssu addrepo rinigus-flatpak http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/rinigus:/flatpak/sailfish_latest_aarch64/aarch64/

as rinigus seems to has provided a version for aarch64?
I do not understand what the tbuilder from GitHub - sailfishos-flatpak/tbuilder-project: TBuilder project is for. Why couldn’t I simply use the command
devel-su pkcon install flatpak-runner
Has anybody tried to install 64bit flatpak apps?


I tried installing flatpak on a xperia 10 II following the steps described.
pkcon repo-list
shows me that the flatpak package is activated. But
zypper in flatpak-runner
fails finding flatpak runner.
Is it because flatpak-runner is not available at https://sailfishos-flatpak.s3-website.pl-waw.scw.cloud/ anymore?

As indicated above, aarch64 Flatpak is not working - tested on AOSP10/aarch64 based SFOS. However, builds are available at OBS now. See instructions at GitHub - sailfishos-flatpak/main: Documentation and issues and just replace arm repository with aarch64.

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Okay thanks for the hint.
Is there a terminal command to remove the remove the repository again?
I now have a repo called “flatpak” as shown by pkcon that might be wrong or wont work.
Do I need to add some parameters to
pkcon repo-remove flatpak
as it results in an error

repository identifier and automatic removal required

Hi Rinigus,
I’m trying to use your build from OBS for aarch64. It install successfully, but when I try to open an app, it says that the Wayland compositor does not provide any supported shell interface, along with the following error: Cannot get default EGL display: EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.
Also when installing any flatpak, I get the following error (not sure if it makes a difference): Warning: Not exporting file "package".xml of unsupported type..
Do you have any hints as to how this could be fixed?

No, I haven’t worked on Flatpak for a while and it is still broken, as far as I know. I don’t have any plans to work on it either, so don’t expect it to be fixed unless someone steps in and will work on it.

Okay, that’s a pity. Hopefully someone will. What would you think the next best option is to run Linux applications on sailfishos? Harbour-containers also does not support aarch64 as far as I can tell.

Actually, I just tried installing angelfish and that opened. Now I saw an open issue about unsupported GTK/GDK applications, which may be the problem after all. Do I understand correctly that only Qt applications are supported then?

@sailor28, GTK/GDK require newer Wayland composer. That’s what we don’t have. As for Qt apps, hardware acceleration is not supported and, as a result, I had issues with Angelfish rendering, for example. Also interaction with keyboard had some issues. All in all, I couldn’t fix it in any reasonable time and moved on to other projects.

As for alternatives for running Linux applications, maybe chroot solutions would work. But this I haven’t tried myself - some other users did.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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