So, it here is installed SFOS I can freely (re)flash underlying Android(?) blobs and all the SFOS install remains the same? Is it so well HAL works?
Yes, you can reflesh blobs on oem partition independent from OS :
Here ist the part about WPA3 from the meeting logs.
Meeting Log
08:05:36 #topic WPA3 Support any plans/news? (5-10 mins – asked by tfinn)
08:05:44 #info <tfinn> Support for WPA3 in Sailfisch OS are there any plans for it at
08:05:44 #info <tfinn> all? Would be useful to know, because the use of WPA3 is increasing.
08:05:44 <rainemak> #link Does SailfishOS not support WPA3?
08:06:03 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> The WPA3 support has not been worked on actively. However,
08:06:03 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE), WPA3-Personal is
08:06:03 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> enabled in the wpa_supplicant. It is not yet supported in connman.
08:06:03 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> On top of that we need user interface integration.
08:06:03 <rainemak> #info <Jolla>
08:06:06 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> As you are rightfully noting that use of WPA3 is increasing, we
08:06:08 <rainemak> #info <Jolla> should consider finalizing WPA3 support. Good input for planning.
08:06:10 <rainemak> #link wpa_supplicant/rpm/build-config at master · sailfishos/wpa_supplicant · GitHub
08:09:51 <direc85[m]> I have a WPA2+WPA3 mixed config on my home WLAN, and will have for a long time…
08:10:22 <tfinn> Yeah I also have it configured this way after finding out that WPA § is not supported
08:10:36 <tfinn> *3
08:12:39 <flypig> How much of this could be contributed to by the community? Is it fair to say that the connman support could be (all open source), but the UI changes maybe not (some non-QML closed source)?
08:13:09 <rainemak> flypig, that’s a correct assessment
08:14:05 <rainemak> I didn’t manage to get details regarding what’s missing from connman
08:14:21 <flypig> It would be interesting to know if it’s supported by upstream connman.
08:14:33 <flypig> The connman side could be looked at without the UI I think (can probably be tested using dbus), so there’s scope to do something as a community here. Given time and energy!
08:15:57 <rainemak> correct… I think it’s exactly like that. D-Bus version could already be used for testing but surely UI could show misleading infos… but testable
08:17:06 <rainemak> we should open more details in Does SailfishOS not support WPA3? on what’s actually missing and what kind of an approach could be taken
my gf still asking me when will be working release of SFOS and reminding all the time that i said that it should be until Christmas 2024… well at first place she complaining about battery status so instead of listening that she rebooting phone again and again and how stupid it is I better made simple battery info app, to let her see something what is better than nothing…
Nice one!
But are you sure that the maximum voltage is 4.2V? While charging, it goes up to some 4.5 - 4.55V and when you disconnect the charger near 100% the voltage is around 4.37 Volts. It goes down to 4.2V only around 90% battery level. They add some chemistry to their Lithium cells to allow such higher voltages being safely used and this way artificially increase capacity. It’s not only on the 10 V but also on the 10 III.
I am recharging my 10 III right now and the voltage (at 88% battery level) is reported as 4.427V and increasing.
and at 95% it is reported as 4.482V
And even after being disconnected from the charger, i.e. in a normal discharging state, the voltage at 98% remains at 4.35 - 4.37 Volts.
I observe the same phenomenon on the 10 V, so I guess that you should check it as it’ll probably take using some higher value than 4.2 Volts as the max voltage corresponding with 100% charge level to get more precise battery level percentage calculation. At least on the 10 III (while normally discharging), 4.2 Volts seem to correspond with battery level of 90% or so, so with 4.2V used as max voltage you actually “lose” some 10%.
Have someone tested the Dual-SIM Xperia 10 V?
I mean 2x SIM-Slots, not 1x SIM + 1 eSIM.
Does this models have 8GB RAM?
You have one point for attention. Screenshots are made on my test device 10II but the app reads the real max voltage correctly
Unsure what is “bugs” vs. missing feature, but as a new user & just trying out the device, this is what I have noticed that I didn’t see mentioned (but only skimmed):
- Adaptive brightness is not at all stable
- Internet sharing doesn’t without SIM card (Bluetooth tethering shouldn’t require a SIM, but haven’t yet tested with a SIM)
- LUKS encryption iterations is a really high number & takes quite a long time to reboot
- Unclear of
can be renamed & seems can be the only admin account - Many apps lose authentication on reboot
- Storage settings show
but not other LVM volumes on/dev/sda75
(I created companionsailfish-nix
) - File browser is missing folders
- File browser when creating a new folder, makes 2—neither of which work or show up in the console
- Keyboard doesn’t have Esc, Ctrl, Alt, Tab, or arrow keys
- Gallery / file browser do not render JPEG XL files
missing tofsck
F2FS microSD cards (not in initramfs, not on the system, not in Jolla repository, not in Chum, but kernel modules are loaded & will mount… compiling from source was luckily straightfoward even ifdevel-su make install
felt icky) - Font section doesn’t allow setting actual fonts
- Default fonts missing quite a few Unicode blocks
Nice to haves:
- Developer settings don’t let you read the entire
which would really help me trying to debug more easily (unclear if.profile
is loaded by Wayland/Lipstick or not) - Display settings should allow loading ICC profiles (would be great to integrate with DisplayCAL allowing those with colorimeters to have a very color accurate OLED display; at present the device seems oversaturated)
- Browser with ad blocking + filter lists
I didn’t resize /root
, but I did resize /home
from hybris recovery (stated in my former post, I shrunk LUKS-encrypted /home
to give room for /nix
using the existing LVM setup + f2fs). This means you should have the ability to in theory resize anything. The device didn’t boot after resizing & factory reset failed; however, reflashing entirely from this state did work without messing with my new LVM setup (PitA tho since I needed a computer with USB 2.0 ports). I don’t know if I failed at resizing or if it was a system thing as recovery fsck
had superblock issues, but it worked out in the end. I hadn’t set up much of anything so I can’t say anything but time was lost. In hindsight I would have done all the repartitioning + reflashing before I did anything else (but I wanted to check out the general OS vibe first).
I’ve experienced one of the issues you’re reporting with File Browser on the C2 (ie. missing folders, more specifically many found in ~/.local/share), while FileCase from OpenRepos does show them
So this is an issue with the application itself
Question: I have a Sony Xperia 10 V and have installed SFOS 4.6 onto it after buying a license from the Jolla store. What is the latest on Android™ AppSupport for the device at this point, did I do something wrong since I don’t seem to have it available? If it isn’t yet available, any ideas when it would be?
I remember there were serious issues with the Sony-issued firmware binary blobs, any word on when and how these might be updated?
First of all, i am not sure that AAS is available on the beta SailfishOS Image for Xperia 10 IV / V.
Just do as devel-su:
ssu lr
and look if the Repository aliendalvik is present. When its present - than you could install AAS.
When its not present, than you need to wait until official image for Xperia 10 IV/V is out.
You tell you bought a licence, but you couldn’t buy a licence for Xperia IV / V atm. Only for Xperia 10 III or older phones… So maybe it will be necessary to contact Zendesk for Licence transition.
I looked up replacement batteries for the 10 V and the text on it indicates that the charge cutoff voltage is 4.48V. It’s not uncommon for high-quality Lipo batteries to be rated for higher than 4.2V charge voltage to “get more capacity” out of an otherwise smaller battery (sometimes at the expense of longevity).
Now, if only there was a way to replace the battery indicator with a raw voltage reading, I’d totally survive with that - that’s how I fly my drones, after all, start at 4.2V and expect to land around 3.5V.
Actually, is there a way to replace the battery indicator with a voltage reading?
could be changed but instead i made simple app what also trigger notification about battery low, so you can hear the sound and plug the charger
otherwise system runs until batt is completely discharged around 3V and that is not good for battery life…
it seems the developer of this app already commented, but i would recommend his app: battInfo for Xperia 10V | — Community Repository System
And now Android 15 has just arrived to my Xperia 10V.
Wondering how it’s going to work together with Sailfish once I decide to flash…
Soon we get new blobs for the next android version and Jolla can develop again Sailfish for this device
I think it could be a problem because of the file structure between Sailfish with blobs for Android 14 and new base on your device.
The new android version can add some extra steps to flashing sfos, but nothing irreversible. Usually you can always reset Android to earlier versions using Sony’s Emma tool
Or for Linux users via Xperifirm and newflasher
Just upgraded OTA to (Tampella), seeing no difference so far. Any hidden improvements?