Feedback on Jolla C2

Just cut the cover in part between Flash and lens. It helps tremendously.

Even if I don’t find this very serious, I thank you for your reply.

The sound quality is mediocre and too high-pitched. Is there a software solution to make it better?

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It’s very serious from me. It works for me. And some others as well.
What’s not serious is that it was not tested and fixed. Luckily there are also other covers available (3rd party).


Specifically to Revolut could you do it without HMS Core? Or what was your setup and what version are you on?

I am on Xperia 10 III so i may have issue with the rooting generally as well, but maybe your experience can help a bit.

Has someone else had problems with using sailfish settings backup tool to transfer data from a Xperia 10 III?
On my C2 it hangs in the “Gallery” step. Does this happen only in my special constellation or is there a “known issue”?

For me, I also thought that it hangs on Gallery, but it was unexpectedly slow (almost a day) due to a few long videos (I monitored the files created).
It finally finished successfully.:blush:
I never experienced that on previous Xperias.

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Ok, good to know! Thanks. So I will hang tight!

How can I install zypper on my newly flashed C2?
pkcon install says:

This tool could not find any available package

The same goes for mce-tools.

Works fine for me. Just make sure that your repo indexes are refreshed first.

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hmm… something is wrong with my ssh. Works fine on phone fingerterm.

Ok, in my case there is also one big webm Video I download once with yt-dlp, that is saved in the Videos folder that is included in the backup. Indeed, the speed to restore the recovery is soooooo unbelievable slow. I don’t know if that is a bug or my SD Card.
Now I’m not sure if I can just remove that file from the tar or if the backup is invalid then.
Maybe I’ll try.
On the good side I have to note, that I restarted the restore of the backup now more than once and there are no file duplicates etc. occurring (so far). I like that!

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It seems to be a C2 bug: during restore, only 1 low power CPU core is used at 100%.
When I used other apps at the same time (browser,…), more powerful cores are activated and the restore of this big video file is faster.


The prerequisite for the installation was the appgallery, which required hms core. Then I downloaded the application directly from the app gallery and after installation, revolut worked without any problems with almost all functions. This method was the one that has worked without any problems since then. After the installation, I did not try to delete HMS Core for now, but I am happy because despite having to install this, I can use the application.

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You can find this app with Fdroid

I could not get it work yet on the X 10 III (complains about root as well) and others there seem to struggle in this thread.

Do you have MicroG installed?
Or is it do to some other C2 specific feature, that it works for you?

My feedback after using it for a few days:


  • Larger size makes for a better UX compared to Xperias with my big hands
  • making calls works great, no echo bug
  • basic telephone functions work
  • I didn’t have any problems setting it up
  • Entering the PIN is responsive and fast compared to 10 III
  • I can do without face unlock, fingerprints and all that stuff so that’s a plus as well for me
  • The Android Apps I need work well (known bugs notwithstanding)
  • SFOS runs reasonably fast (I’ve had worse)
  • battery life is great compared to 10 III


  • Photos are bad in low light and look like watercolor paintings when zoomed in, but that is expected from cheap hardware and might improve with proper camera 2 api some day.


  • There is bad connectivity. Either the SoC is really slowwwwwwww or something is buggy. With my Poco F6 with Snapdragon 8s I get from my window 30mbit LTE+ speeds, with the T606 only 1mbit.
  • Upgrading the platform from a 2021 bargain bin chip to something more reasonable for a few € more certainly wouldn’t have hurt anyone. Like a Helio G99, Snapdragon 4 series etc. I don’t see the T606 holding up well over the years since it’s at a snail’s pace when running Android Apps already.

I always see using SFOS as a lifestyle choice, like being vegan, building a hut in the woods to live off the land or deciding you’re only gonna run free and libre software on your librebooted thinkpad from yesteryear. For having a peace of mind you accept dealing with hardships and hinderances that normal people don’t.
I expect any Sailfish device to be a bumpy ride at this point, but that’s a trade I’m willing to make for increased freedom from big tech surveillance.
At least until the 10 V is working properly, I’ll keep the C2 as my daily driver while my Android phone will be kept as backup, since I don’t really need much more than a feature phone that can do email and whatsapp and sometimes browse things and make snapshots.


I am a long time user of SailfishOS, since the first Jolla phone (Sailfish OS 1). I use it as my main smartphone. Before the Jolla C2, I was using Sailfish OS on Xperia XA2, that I compare with my current experience with Jolla C2 version

Things that I generally like are display size/resolution, camera zoom/wide angle, web browser update, great battery duration.
But there are too many software limitations to be used happily.

This are the main issues I come across that are really annoying.

  • No DNS resolution with Android apps (know issue

  • In the Email client, the search function is not working properly. Searching is working only in the seen/downloaded email. Older emails are not searched into. In the search options, chosing to search in server, the search is not done. (I am using an IMAP4 server, previously this was working)

  • Bluetooth is not working properly. I can pair Bluetooth audio devices, and auto-reconnect is working.
    However when using a headset, the phone disconnect it after some seconds of usage, and has to be manually reconnect or reconnects automatically after some time.
    This issue is found in both making a telephone call or watching a video using a browser.

  • WLAN is not reconnecting automatically when I go away from my WiFi and then come back (don’t know if it’s relevant, but WiFi network has hidden SSID).

  • Text prediction xt9 is a missing feature (know issue

  • Camera does not support video (know issue

  • Mobile related (I am using only SIM1 alone):

  • 5G is missing (but it’s an hardware limitation?)
  • 4G data speed is really slow

Other things not annoying:

  • VoLTE is not working (Iliad SIM in Italy)

  • Whatsapp migration guide has to be updated →
    To read the UID of user, the path is not
    ls -l /home/.android/data/data
    but now
    ls -l /home/.appsupport/instance/defaultuser/data/data

  • During booting, after entering the first PIN for disk encryption, and before entering the system, there is a while with a blank screen. I would just put some loading screen there, as it can be confusing.

  • I miss fingerprint unlocking (hardware limitation)


Great report!
I don’t see your report in a C2 VoLTE table.

Wifi does sometimes reconnect automatically for me.

Hello, just updated now.