Feedback on Jolla C2

As Storeman / Storeman Installer and the SailfishOS:Chum GUI application / its Installer do work as advertised in their corresponding documentation (i.e. absolutely fine now for Storeman / Storeman Installer and with a manual workaround for the SailfishOS:Chum GUI application) I will mute this thread for me, because I do not own an Jolla C2.

Additionally, all questions here WRT these two topics were answered by me in this discussion thread, even though these answers were already provided in the corresponding documentation.
Actually I perceive asking here at FSO, because it is easier than following web-links and reading documentation first, as quite rude!

If you have read the documentation exhaustively and you either do not comprehend the documentation (which would constitute a flaw of that documentation) or are convinced that a technical issue exists (which must be reproducible), please file a proper bug report at the correct location (i.e. at the issue tracker of the appropriate GitHub repository), as advised in the documentation.
In general, chatter in this forum (usually just “does not work for me”) is never a proper bug report for a third party software developer (i.e. ≠ Jolla).

I hope that experienced FSO and SailfishOS users will provide newbies with a link to answers already provided at FSO and / or (even better) the appropriate user documentation at OpenRepos.

P.S.: Please bear in mind that the current SailfishOS releases for the Jolla C2 have the status of what is usually called a “cBeta (closed / community beta)” release by Jolla, i.e. a “early beta” (“EA (early access)” releases are the betas after the cBeta releases and before the first “GA (general availability)” release of a SailfishOS release X.Y.0).
Furthermore, the current batch of Jolla C2 phones was explicitly advertised as being developer devices, hence it is not at all surprising that many things do not work. Yes, the phrase “SailfishOS as it is meant to be” is laughable, but that is a dire tradition of Jolla marketing communications; I assume they meant “We hope that we will be able to deliver a SailfishOS experience as it is meant to be on the Jolla C2 in the future” (i.e. “soon™” in Jolla’s parlance).