Email attachment - opening attachment display "inode error"

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): Happened once
BUILD ID = OS VERSION (Settings > About product): KOLI 4.0.1
HARDWARE (XA2, Xperia 10…): Xperia
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?):


When clicking on the attachement (.jpg)in a email, it opens in the gallery but a message says “File type ‘inode/directory’ is not supported”



  1. open an email with attachment
  2. click on the .jpg attached


show in gallery without any particular message


show in Gallery but display an error message


(Please ALWAYS attach relevant data such as logs, screenshots, etc…)


Happens for pdfs too. Usually the first attachment will open, but none of the subsequent ones.

EDIT clarification: When I said first, I meant the first one opened, not necessarily the first one in the list. If I have say two attachments, then I can open either one, but if I try and open the other, I get the error message. This is the case for any number of attachments.

So the workaround is to open one attachment, close the email app, reopen it, open the next attachment, etc.

Thanks for reporting.
I am able to reproduce this on the upcoming 4.3.0 release (sigh…), too. That is, I can see the error message "File type ‘inode/directory’ " and the related attachment does not open with the 1st tap. However, I am able to open the attachment by tapping it again. Hence there is no need to restart the Email app. As soon as I have opened all attachments, there is no problem (and no error) opening them again.

==> bug filed.


Indeed, there is no problem to re-open mutiple attachments once they were downloaded on the device, i.e. after the first opening/viewing of the attachments. Therefore the bug may be related to the way how the attachements are downloaded or stored, respectively.

Thanks for the updae and reply (sorry for my late response).

I’ve just checked and the re-tap doesn’t work for me. I can only open the attachements (after opening the ‘first’) after restarting the email app. This is under the latest ( version. So the bug does seem to be different between our devices, for some reason.

On the other aspect, I get the same behavior. That is, once an attachment has been downloaded, it can be opened, even if another one has been downloaded and opened.

Happened to me for rpm file type as well (on 4.3.0).

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I have the same Issue. When getting more than one attachment opening the first one works fine. but when opening the second an error appears. only by leaving the current Email and moving to inbox overview and reopening the e-Mail I am able to open the second attachment, but then again error when trying to open the third. so again leaving the email and reopening it again…

(4.3 on Xperia 10 II)

I’m proposing a fix for this bug, see: