Does Jolla support reply?

Im new to Sailfish OS. I bought used xa2 to try Sailfish X. After several days of use, I decided to purchase a license. I politely asked about the discount on jolla@zendesk but ticket remains open for two weeks with no response.
This discount is not as important as the fact that there is no support. This is disturbing. Do you have a similar impression?

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I simply paid my licenses without asking for discount. But I guess a support request from a user who is not even entitled to support might not make it on top of the queue.
The OS is alive, supported and I personally can recommend it as a daily driver.
There is a community that will help you with most issues.


I have received timely answers to my help requests - after I purchased a license.

What discount?


I mailed them because of a GPS problem with one of my devices. They answered back, but it took some time. I am happy with the support. I think that the price of the license is more than fair.


Thank you for your answers.
Probably indeed the non-commercial customer is at the end of the queue. I’ll wait a while.

@ohnonot : I did not precise
@WT.Sane : The OS is alive,
“I don’t believe in news that has not been denied”
I’m sorry for this association but this quote kind of fits this situation :slight_smile:

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To be honest, if I ran a company and some random person I’ve never done business with or even seen before sends me an email asking for a discount on the only thing I sell, I wouldn’t even reply at all, but that’s basically what @WT.Sane already wrote.

Jolla occasionally gives temporary discounts for new ports, though. For example, I think the Xperia 10 II’s license was half-price for the first couple of days. Or maybe that was only for existing customers who had already bought something from Jolla in the past? Either way, I suppose whatever the next port is will also have a temporary discount for early adopters.


I thought OP was refering to some specific discount offer.

I’ll say this, in some cultures it’s normal to ask for a discount as a matter of course. Certainly not with this company though.

Just pay the full license.


I think asking discount is not a support issue.


The user/phone’s lifetime license is not expensive for the work that is done.
Jolla is not a non-profit company but neither a yes-profit one. Till yet, just afloat.
So, the money put into that license is surely not an abuse. It just goes into work and hard clearing branches against the current.

I also generally don’t deal with people asking for special prices as first question.

Perhaps, simply asking if the Zendesk is alive and if they will assist you in case of problem would be simpler.


Please reread my message to verify if the meaning is still ok for being “Solution” checked.
Edited to correct fast writing errors that pretty change the meaning :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :roll_eyes: :cold_face:
My apologies.

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Yep, that’s what I guessed

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I also wrote on 16.04.2024 to and 20.04.2024 to that I am interested in purchasing a license for the Sailfish X software package for Sony Xperia™ 10 III with the following content:

Our company “Elsist Technologies” Ltd. is registered in the European Union with VAT number BG201248408 and is located in Bulgaria. In the EU, there is a practice of not paying VAT when exporting from one European country to another with the issuance of an invoice, i.e. to be deducted from the price of the goods. What is the practice with you and what is the price without VAT?

Jollyboys Oy are also VAT registered with VAT ID: FI33814254

But so far I have no answer!

Does anyone know what the practice is at Jolla?

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Are you trying to save pennies or are you planning to buy like 1000 licenses or something?

Anyway, in Finland you pay the VAT and apply for the deduction afterwards. So i guess the practice is that. I don’t see why Jolla should treat you as an any exception, respectfully.

I advice you to ask your local tax authority. Or just pay the license and be happy using Sailfish OS.


It is not about the pennies, but that this is a rule for the European Union and for accounting, which concerns both 1 piece and 1000 pieces. It is a business phone, not a personal phone. Our company purchases from various companies in Europe, including from Amazon Germany, where when issuing an invoice, VAT is deducted from the price of the goods. Payment between companies is the price without VAT.

Will be nice to see Sailfish on pro phones!


Companies are not mandated to sell to businesses. When they don’t, they do not have to offer the VAT deducted price.
I do not know if there is a possibility for a company to get the deduction in any other way.

The purchaser company pays VAT and claims the reimbursement with their national tax services. It’s certainly annoying as the reimbursement process might take several months, but it’s a routine task that the accountant will start on his own when receiving any invoice.

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