Direction for the future of SFOS?

Wasn’t that Fairphone who didn’t want to pay that much as Jolla wanted?

Volla has a high interest in licensing SFOS, at least the Volla Ceo told me that in January when we talked about the tablet.

And I don’t get why Jolla don’t does it. No matter if in SFOS or another Linux OS, AppSupport is all the same as far as I get it, and somehow primary a license thing from Jolla’s side. Especially as Volla does the porting of SFOS to their devices (tablet is promised to get SFOS too).


Which binaries did you use then for flashing Sailfish on the 10iii over Anroid 13? I am also thinking about that as i need a replacement for my 10ii and Jolla has become very silent about the Xperias 10iv and 10v…

I did not do it yet, and I am really tempted to stay with Android, because it offers me so much more for my use case, which is having a portable telephone with navigation and browser. Android is way, way more energy efficient and the OSM application is much better than the Sailfish implementation. Also, there is no funny shit like setting the CPU governor to performance whilst charging, the only bad situation I have encountered with Android in this regard is that you cannot disable the screen wake when you supply power to the device (for example with a portable photovoltaik panel).

I do not know why it seems impossible today to just make a usable device, like Nokia did back in the days. I cannot be the only one who does not use his phone like a social media junkie.


@Vince , you’re not alone, I’m with you!


Ah, ok, sorry for misunderstanding you! I hoped that flashing Sailfish over newer Android / newer Binaries solves the echo problem in phone calls, the Xperia 10iii has.

It should actually:


That sounds promising! And did you stick with the binaries that Jolla recommend for flashing or did you also use newer ones?

I personally did not flash Sailfish over Android 13, right now I use Android, because it is much better for me. The post I quoted is from someone else and I trust his statements.

As far as I know you should use the recommended binaries, but I am not up to date on that topic.

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Thanks for the Info and the Link! (And sorry for having misunderstood you again… :disappointed:)

Then you should use Debian on your phone.

Besides I never piad for fresh air but my car only runs on a 1:15 mixture of gasoline and air. And guess what? I have to pay for gas.

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Interesting! How to do this?

Just get a Librem 5. PureOS is (based on) Debian.

I don’t know. :smile:


With 20 years of experience using Debian, I think @hattu may know the answer.

There’s mobian, but it doesn’t support a lot of devices yet… (just like all other mobile linux distros unfortunately)

BT,DT (back in 2021, IIRC). Interesting experience! Returned to SailfishOS after almost two months, though, until that very phone malfunctioned. Sad.

Mobian is based on Debian. I have tried it but it has a lot to develop.


I don’t have any experience about Librem 5.

I agree, and I for one think SailfishOS provides a vastly superior experience.

Now, I have no idea how much money you have put into SFOS nor for how many years, but I wonder. You, too, seem to prefer Sailfish over Mobian. Yet, is the advantage really so small that it’s not worth what you paid?

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I have paid for Jolla since september 2023 124,8 €. It is not very big money. And I have bought C2 phone that I don’t like and don’t use. I don’t know how much Jolla get profit from C2,

When I pay for something I like thing or software is working and I can rely on it.
Sailfish on xperias is not very reliable. I can read almost everyday on forum problems. Sms is not working, calls don’t come thru, 4 G problems among others.

I never complain if something is not working on Debian because it is totally free. I just try to solve problems.

I would like to have phone like PC which you put together from parts what you like. But we are not living in perfect world and we are escaping from it day and day faster.

Reason why I use Sailfish or another alternative is I don’t like google or apple.

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I should say, problem is that you never read about the thousands that actually work with no, or marginal problems. :wink: