I’m currently putting the final touches on the Xperia XA2 I’ve acquired recently. This is also my first encounter with SailfishOS (my old Xperia X was still on 4.3.0.x). I’m now running into issues with using the SD-card, which I think are related to SailFish. I’ve already got some information from the application thread, but I am wondering what the correct way of using and integrating the SD-card is. What I want to achieve:
- All music files on the SD-card
- All pictures taken with the camera on the SD-card
In the past, telling “Camera” to use SD-card combined with a symlink in the home directory to the SD-card was sufficient. Now, this approach no longer works, as the symlink is not accessible by the apps (e.g. by DeadBeef). Here’s what I’ve been able to establish so far:
- Replacing the “Music” directory in $HOME with a symlink to SD-card/Music works fine - I can access all music files from deadbeef. Downside: the mediaplayer app now lists all music files twice - I assume that the tracker is searching in both $HOME/Music and $CARD/Music ?
- I have the same issue with the “Pictures” directory - replacing it with a symlink to $CARD/Pictures makes all camera pictures accessible again to applications like Fernschreiber - but in return, the Gallery-app now lists all images twice, which is very annoying…
So, what is the proper way of handling this, if symlinks no longer work properly?