Sorry if this is on wrong category, my question: is there any compact size phones available which runs fine with SFOS? I mean like 6" or slightly smaller display? These xperia 5 and 10 phones are way too long to fit my hand, i am looking more like asus zenfone 10/9/8 sized phones, Samsung galaxy S24/23 ect.
There is xperia x compact, but it’s not officially updated and then there is xperia xz2 compact, which is a bit heavy, but could be what you want
I am in the same camp, and I am pretty satisfied with Xperia XA2. Please note, I have no experience with running Android apps on it.
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The officially supported Xperia’s have exactly 6" screen size!
Is there any else little newer phones, than for example XA2?
Check among the community ports, but I would not hold much hope. This is an OEM choice not to produce small devices or charge premium for them like Samsung does (all small A series devices are gone, and you can only get S2X).
I tried to find that too. But on nowadays Xperia XA2 is most little and last supported by Sailfish OS device.
The XZ2 Compact is a nice and fast device but it seems it stuck at SFOS, because the maintainer rinigus don´t plan to work on it.