Chum doesn't show after installation

On my Xperia 10 III I installed Sauna and Openrepos’ Storeman. I need Chum as an application installed by Storeman. It is shown as installed, but it does not appear in app grid. Even pkcon refresh helps.
what can I do?


Chum is not out for Sauna yet, in your /var/log directory you’ll find a Chum log saying it can’t find the repository.
So the installation silently fails, and no Chum GUI icon appears in the drawer.

We have to wait for a new Chum release I’m afraid, though I could be wrong!

1 Like

You can file a bug at


Is there any update to this? Chum is still not able to refresh 2 weeks later :frowning:

Can you share a screenshot?

It’s not even clear what the problem is.

Does it not install? Does it not show an icon but is installed? Does it open but can does not refresh the application list? Something else?

Why is there no bug report, no steps to reproduce, no clear description?

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Sorry, I thought this (Chum repo not knowing about Sauna 4.6 release) was a known issue, and I just wanted to know if a fix was in sight?

Thanks. That’s a different issue from the one described in the original post (I assume).

Anyway, can you try setting the repository in the Chum-GUI Settings to either ‘4.6’ or ‘’ (not 12!) please.

1 Like

I don’t think there is any 4.6 yet. Only 4.5 works for me.

Thanks, I thought it was this issue because of E-PaiN’s message (Chum doesn't show after installation - #2 by E-PaiN) doesn’t work (same error)

4.6 works and shows two updates, including one to Chum. Should I update to that one and then disable this override again? I don’t understand what is the normal process here?

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I haven’t tried again recently, but for me it’s still not possible to install any version of Chum on atm; so it’s not possible for me changing the repository in the GUI either.
Any workaround for this yet?

No because details are missing in order to understand what might be wrong.

You also did not file a bug report.

Can you describe what you did, and what the results are, and include error messages, console output etc?

Oh, and try chum-gui-installer from chum:testing (v0.6.4) before anything else?


Hopefully this can help, pardon my ignorance :blush:

This is the output of me trying to install the 0.6.4 version I got from here, is that even the correct source / version?

devel-su pkcon install-local /run/media/defaultuser/a84c33ee-999b-47da-83bd-d5050785b549/Download/sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1.noarch.rpm
Installing files
Testing changes
Finished                                                                                                                                                                                                     [                                                                                                     ] (0%)
The following packages have to be installed:
 sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1.noarch   Installs SailfishOS:Chum GUI application
Proceed with changes? [N/y] y

Testing changes
Installing files
Installing packages
Downloaded      sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1.noarch (PK_TMP_DIR)       Installs SailfishOS:Chum GUI application
Installed       sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1.noarch (PK_TMP_DIR)       Installs SailfishOS:Chum GUI application

That indicates no error, but no icon appears in the drawer.
Then there’s this output log, cat /var/log/sailfishos-chum-gui-installer.log.txt:

[Info] PID 31687 is logging to /var/log/sailfishos-chum-gui-installer.log.txt on 2024-06-11T13:48:15+02:00

2024-06-11T13:48:15+02:00 [Debug] From /etc/os-release: sailfishos release

2024-06-11T13:48:15+02:00 [Debug] \`ssu status\`, UID omitted:
Device registration status: not registered
Device model: Xperia 10 III (xqbt52 / xqbt52)
Device variant: sony-lena
Domain: sales
Brand: Jolla

2024-06-11T13:48:15+02:00 [Debug] "chum" entries from `ssu lr`:
 - sailfishos-chum ...

2024-06-11T13:48:17+02:00 [Debug] Installed, now running: sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1

2024-06-11T13:48:18+02:00 [Step 1 / 2] pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
13:48:18        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
13:48:18        PackageKit      role now repo-set-data
Transaction:    Setting data
13:48:18        PackageKit      notify::connected
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Waiting for authentication
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Querying
Status:         Starting
Status:         Running
Status:         Refreshing software list
Status:         Finished
Fatal error: Can't access the given URL

2024-06-11T13:48:18+02:00 [Notice] Failed to refresh sailfishos-chum repository, because error-code 7 was returned by: pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
2024-06-11T13:48:18+02:00 [Debug] Sleeping for 3 seconds.

2024-06-11T13:48:21+02:00 [Info] Retry #1
2024-06-11T13:48:21+02:00 [Step 1 / 2] pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
13:48:21        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
13:48:21        PackageKit      role now repo-set-data
Transaction:    Setting data
13:48:21        PackageKit      notify::connected
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Waiting for authentication
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Querying
Status:         Starting
Status:         Running
Status:         Refreshing software list
Status:         Finished
Fatal error: Can't access the given URL

2024-06-11T13:48:22+02:00 [Warning] Failed to refresh sailfishos-chum repository, because error-code 7 was returned by: pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
2024-06-11T13:48:22+02:00 [Notice] Trying to terminate (i.e. sending SIGTERM to) all processes named (ID) `pkcon`, then sleeping for 5 seconds.

2024-06-11T13:48:27+02:00 [Info] Retry #2
2024-06-11T13:48:27+02:00 [Step 1 / 2] pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
13:48:27        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
13:48:27        PackageKit      role now repo-set-data
Transaction:    Setting data
13:48:27        PackageKit      notify::connected
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Waiting for authentication
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Querying
Status:         Starting
Status:         Running
Status:         Refreshing software list
Status:         Finished
Fatal error: Can't access the given URL

2024-06-11T13:48:28+02:00 [Error] Failed to refresh sailfishos-chum repository, because error-code 7 was returned by: pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
2024-06-11T13:48:28+02:00 [Warning] Trying to interrupt (i.e. sending SIGINT to) all processes named (ID) `pkcon`, then sleeping for 7 seconds.

2024-06-11T13:48:34+02:00 [Info] Retry #3
2024-06-11T13:48:34+02:00 [Step 1 / 2] pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
13:48:34        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
13:48:34        PackageKit      role now repo-set-data
Transaction:    Setting data
13:48:34        PackageKit      notify::connected
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Waiting for authentication
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Querying
Status:         Starting
Status:         Running
Status:         Refreshing software list
Status:         Finished
Fatal error: Can't access the given URL

2024-06-11T13:48:35+02:00 [Error] Failed to refresh sailfishos-chum repository, because error-code 7 was returned by: pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
2024-06-11T13:48:35+02:00 [Warning] Trying to hang-up (i.e. sending SIGHUP to) all processes named (ID) `pkcon`, then sleeping for 4 seconds and ultimately killing them.
killall: bad signal name 'qw'
13:48:40        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)

Which seem to indicate it can’t find a (repository?) URL, and led me to believe that the whole Chum repo simply wasn’t ready for 4.6 yet.
But I might just have the wrong rpm version, of made a mistake at some point further in the past.

But hopefully this helps! :sweat_smile:

1 Like

I have this exact version installed and its icon is there (works on 4.6). Maybe try reinstalling

So I’ve had some time to waste tonight, and managed to fix the issue, luckily without reinstalling!

ssu lr

- sailfishos-chum           ...

That’s the wrong URL, should have been fixed to major.minor

So I’ve re-added the same repo with the correct URL manually:

ssu rr sailfishos-chum
ssu ar sailfishos-chum
ssu updaterepos
pkcon refresh
ssu lr

 - sailfishos-chum           ...

I could then install the sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1.noarch.rpm without any issues, log is as follows:

[Info] PID 10874 is logging to /var/log/sailfishos-chum-gui-installer.log.txt on 2024-06-11T23:03:09+02:00

2024-06-11T23:03:09+02:00 [Debug] From /etc/os-release: sailfishos release

2024-06-11T23:03:09+02:00 [Debug] \`ssu status\`, UID omitted:
Device registration status: not registered
Device model: Xperia 10 III (xqbt52 / xqbt52)
Device variant: sony-lena
Domain: sales
Brand: Jolla

2024-06-11T23:03:09+02:00 [Debug] "chum" entries from `ssu lr`:
 - sailfishos-chum ...

2024-06-11T23:03:11+02:00 [Debug] Installed, now running: sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1

2024-06-11T23:03:12+02:00 [Step 1 / 2] pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
23:03:12	PackageKit	Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
23:03:12	PackageKit	role now repo-set-data
Transaction:	Setting data
23:03:12	PackageKit	notify::connected
Status: 	Waiting in queue
Status: 	Waiting for authentication
Status: 	Waiting in queue
Status: 	Starting
Status: 	Querying
Status: 	Starting
Status: 	Running
Status: 	Refreshing software list
Status: 	Finished

2024-06-11T23:03:14+02:00 [Debug] sailfishos-chum-gui-installer's main script (PID: 10874) finishes
n2024-06-11T23:03:15+02:00 [Step 2 / 2] pkcon -pvy install sailfishos-chum-guin23:03:15	PackageKit	Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
23:03:15	PackageKit	role now resolve
Transaction:	Resolving
Status: 	Waiting in queue
Status: 	Starting
Status: 	Querying
23:03:15	PackageKit	adding state 0x179fbd50
23:03:15	PackageKit	role now install-packages
Transaction:	Installing
23:03:15	PackageKit	notify::connected
Status: 	Waiting in queue
Status: 	Waiting for authentication
Status: 	Waiting in queue
Status: 	Starting
Status: 	Refreshing software list
Percentage:	0
Percentage:	100
Status: 	Querying
Percentage:	0
Percentage:	10
Percentage:	40
Status: 	Resolving dependencies
Percentage:	100
Status: 	Installing packages
Percentage:	0
Status: 	Downloading packages
Package:	sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.7-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64
Percentage:	100
Status: 	Installing packages
Percentage:	50
Percentage:	100
Status: 	Finished
23:03:18	PackageKit	remove state 0x179fbd50
Downloaded   sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.7-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64 (sailfishos-chum)
Installed    sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.7-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64 (sailfishos-chum)

So I’ve no idea why the installer didn’t update the outdated repository entry, but at least it’s a quick fix to do it manually! :hugs:


@E-PaiN, thank you for your research and testing.

Currently, neither do I!

Please try two things and copy the output here:

  1. killall -w -TERM foo
    If it complains about not supporting the -w option please also execute:
    ls -l /usr/bin/killall
  2. ssu rr sailfishos-chum
    rm -f /var/cache/ssu/features.ini
    ssu ur
    ssu ar sailfishos-chum ''
    ssu ur
    ssu lr | grep -F chum

Looks like that went fine!

[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# killall -w -TERM foo
killall: bad signal name 'w'
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# ls -l /usr/bin/killall
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 May 16 07:08 /usr/bin/killall -> busybox

[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# ssu rr sailfishos-chum
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# rm -f -v /var/cache/ssu/features.ini
removed '/var/cache/ssu/features.ini'
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# ssu ur
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# ssu ar sailfishos-chum ''
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# ssu ur
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]# ssu lr | grep -F chum
- sailfishos-chum ...
[root@Istiophorus defaultuser]#


Yes. Though it is a bit unfortunate that busybox’s killall does not support the -w option. At least you now have the sailfishos-chum ssu-repository set up how it should be (non-statically), see
grep -F chum /etc/ssu/ssu.ini
Hence I have even less of an idea, why the SailfishOS:Chum-GUI-Installer does not work as intended.

Please test again, now with SailfishOS:Chum-GUI-Installer-0.6.5-1:
pkcon remove sailfishos-chum-gui && pkcon install sailfishos-chum-gui-installer
If that still fails (which is likely, because v0.6.5 has only cosmetic changes compared to v0.6.4), please open a bug report at GitHub.

Please denote in addition to the required data in this bug report, if this works (i.e. produces the same resulting SSU repository configuration) as your last test #2 did:
ssu rr sailfishos-chum
rm -f /var/cache/ssu/features.ini
ssu ur
(source /etc/os-release; sailfish_version="$(echo "$VERSION_ID" | cut -s -f 1-3 -d '.' | tr -d '.')"; if echo "$sailfish_version" | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*$'; then if [ "$sailfish_version" -lt 460 ]; then ssu ar sailfishos-chum ''; else ssu ar sailfishos-chum ''; fi; else echo "Error: VERSION_ID=$VERSION_ID => sailfish_version=$sailfish_version"; fi; ssu ur)
grep -F chum /etc/ssu/ssu.ini
ssu lr | grep -F chum
Mind that the section in braces (i.e. ( )) is a single command line (better copy&paste that from a web-browser either on device or logged in via ssh rsp. slogin).

Thank you very much!

Edit: Sorry, the double %% were wrong (a copy&paste-error); I corrected them now to single percent-characters (%).

1 Like

Just a heads-up: In the meantime I’ve updated to the release earlier today, Chum GUI kept working without issues after the update.

Then I’ve followed these steps and some interesting stuff happened! :sweat_smile:

grep -F chum /etc/ssu/ssu.ini


Removing and reinstalling sailfishos-chum-gui ( pkcon remove sailfishos-chum-gui && pkcon install sailfishos-chum-gui-installer ) finishes without error, log ( /var/log/sailfishos-chum-gui-installer.log.txt ) output:

Info] PID 11897 is logging to /var/log/sailfishos-chum-gui-installer.log.txt on 2024-06-13T22:26:56+02:00

2024-06-13T22:26:56+02:00 [Debug] From /etc/os-release: sailfishos release

2024-06-13T22:26:57+02:00 [Debug] `ssu status`, UID omitted:
Device registration status: not registered
Device model: Xperia 10 III (xqbt52 / xqbt52)
Device variant: sony-lena
Domain: sales
Brand: Jolla

2024-06-13T22:26:57+02:00 [Debug] "chum" entries from `ssu lr`:
 - sailfishos-chum ...

2024-06-13T22:26:58+02:00 [Debug] Installed, now running: sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.5-1

2024-06-13T22:26:59+02:00 [Step 1 / 2] pkcon -pv repo-set-data sailfishos-chum refresh-now true
22:26:59        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
22:26:59        PackageKit      role now repo-set-data
Transaction:    Setting data
22:26:59        PackageKit      notify::connected
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Waiting for authentication
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Querying
Status:         Starting
Status:         Running
Status:         Refreshing software list
Status:         Finished

2024-06-13T22:27:02+02:00 [Debug] sailfishos-chum-gui-installer's main script (PID: 11897) finishes.

2024-06-13T22:27:03+02:00 [Step 2 / 2] pkcon -pvy install sailfishos-chum-gui
22:27:03        PackageKit      Verbose debugging enabled (on console 0)
22:27:03        PackageKit      role now resolve
Transaction:    Resolving
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Querying
22:27:03        PackageKit      adding state 0x2d2d2b20
22:27:03        PackageKit      role now install-packages
Transaction:    Installing
22:27:03        PackageKit      notify::connected
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Waiting for authentication
Status:         Waiting in queue
Status:         Starting
Status:         Refreshing software list
Percentage:     0
Percentage:     100
Status:         Querying
Percentage:     0
Percentage:     10
Percentage:     40
Status:         Resolving dependencies
Percentage:     100
Status:         Installing packages
Percentage:     0
Status:         Downloading packages
Package:        sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.7-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64
Percentage:     100
Status:         Installing packages
Percentage:     50
Percentage:     100
Status:         Finished
22:27:05        PackageKit      remove state 0x2d2d2b20
Downloaded   sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.7-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64 (sailfishos-chum)
Installed    sailfishos-chum-gui-0.6.7-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64 (sailfishos-chum)


  • Chum GUI icon appears in drawer
  • Chum GUI will load for a solid 10 sec but fails to start
  • Chum repository is no longer listed (either removed by uninstall or install process?)
  • A new CLI installation ends in a “Package not found” error

The last part of your post almost fixes the correct repository, this is the output:

[root@Istiophorus log]# ssu rr sailfishos-chum
[root@Istiophorus log]# rm -f /var/cache/ssu/features.ini
[root@Istiophorus log]# ssu ur
[root@Istiophorus log]# (source /etc/os-release; sailfish_version="$(echo "$VERSION_ID" | cut -s -f 1-3 -d '.' | tr -d '.')"; 
if echo "$sailfish_version" | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*$'; then if [ "$sailfish_version" -lt 460 ]; then ssu ar sailfish
os-chum ''; else ssu ar sailfishos-chum ''; fi; else echo "Error: VERSION_ID=$VERSION_ID => sailfish_v
ersion=$sailfish_version"; fi; ssu ur)
[root@Istiophorus log]# grep -F chum /etc/ssu/ssu.ini
[root@Istiophorus log]# ssu lr | grep -F chum
 - sailfishos-chum           ...

Apologies if I’ve botched anything, I’ve tried the command with and without braces both times resulting in an identical repository URL.

At this point I tried to recover to get a working Chum GUI, so manually adding repository and installing RPM:

Apparently trying to manually re-add the repository and installing the latest RPM ( sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.5-1.noarch.rpm ) results in the same non-starting Chum GUI and removal of the added repository? :see_no_evil:

Same behaviour on the sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.4-1.noarch.rpm
I fix the repository, successfully install the RPM, run Chum GUI (which won’t start), and the repo is gone again.

I’m at a bit of a loss atm, time for a good night sleep and retry tomorrow morning with :coffee: :yum:

update: Ahh just read your update, running the command now results in the right repository URL! :partying_face:
Unfortunately the same Chum GUI behaviour, including removal of the repository afterwards :man_shrugging:

Good, so sailfishos-chum-gui-installer-0.6.5-1 is working fine, AFAICS. Or does something contradict my impression?

This may a bug of sailfishos-chum-gui, please start it at the command line as regular user (i.e. nemo or defaultuser) and report the output and aforementioned behaviour in a proper bug report.

Yes, that is correct: Installing the sailfishos-chum-gui RPM triggers the removal of the sailfishos-chum-gui-installer RPM, which in turn removes the repository (from which it installed the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app) from SSU’s configuration, because the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app expects no such repository to be present on its first run.
Consequently a pkcon install sailfishos-chum-gui must fail with “Package not found”.

Side note

When you manually add the repository by ssu ar sailfishos-chum '' (on SailfishOS ≥ 4.6.0), you can directly install the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app by pkcon install sailfishos-chum-gui I.e. you do not need to take the detour via the SailfishOS:Chum GUI Installer, its job is to select and configure the correct repository for SSU, and then install the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app; all this in a fully automated manner.

1 Like