When I open the Storeman app I get an error saying “Network error”, and yes, I am on the network.
Anyone who knows what to do?
There is nothing you can do right now, but just wait the certificate to be renewed. Hopefully that happens sooner than later!
If you’re in an emergency you can set the date of your phone back to before the certificate expired (09/26/2024) to allow Storeman to connect again.
I can confirm that Storeman didn’t work 10 minutes ago from now. Tested with SFOS not touched and working fine. So I’m sure it’s only the usual cert issue as always every few months, and will fix itself in a few hours.
Already discussed here
Thanks a lot
Checked right now, Sat. 11:14 UTC, Storeman still reports a network error.
edit: Mo, 2024-10-07, 10:22 UTC
starting Storeman,
no feedback from UI, nothing happens,
gave up waiting, did other things…
4 minutes after starting, Storeman pops up and works as always.