Openrepos down, or certificate expired?

Is just sick? Or permanently down?

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tis back up now.

20 chars


I think OpenRepos certificate is expired. Storeman is unavailable reporting network error.

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I’ve been trying to connect for several hours now, Firefox says “The site’s certificate may have expired, preventing Firefox from connecting securely.”

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I don’t know who to ping about this, but hopefully he/she sees this.
Also I wonder if there isn’t a way to automatically renew Let’s Encrypt certificates? I know mine does, but that might be the task for my domain host.

@Basil [twentychars]

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And also, the expiration date is known beforehand!

Yes, I think it’s a three months rule.

I mailed Basil through Openrepos around 2 weeks ago, to let him know I wouldn’t be available to boot spammers as I’ve been busy moving and had no internet in that time.

I am now moved and got internet put on just a few days ago, I note that I had no reply from Basil. I hope all is well with him considering the current big disagreement with Russia/Ukraine. Normally he is quick to reply.

Oddly, I cannot access Openrepos on my phone but can on my PC, it maybe that I am looking at a cached page rather than a live site, I don’t know.

EDIT: It seems Openrepos is UP, I cleared my PC browser cache, have logged into the site and clicked around, all seems ok so far. I am accessing the site using Chrome browser Version 129.0.6668.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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Yes, site is up, but certificate is expired, which prevents Storeman from accessing files.


Accessing files?, you mean like downloading RPM’s?, if so, not the case, I’ve just downloaded several RPM’s.

I’m referring to Storeman, the warehouse app. It says network error, because of expired cert. Meaning you can’t install apps, or even browse them.

I know you can download rpm’s via web browser, and side load.


My bad, sorry, you are correct. Me, speed reading again!! (bad habit, must break it!)


Is there a workaround? Or something we can do to get storeman running again within Sailfish OS?

That would be to remove the certificate check from Storeman, which will of course never happen.

Huiii, so we are in a stuck situation, thanks for explaining

Could it be that this also breaks the sailfish update? I’m having troubles to update from to

A workaround is to set your date back to before the certificate expired (09/26/2024).

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I see, thanks for the advice

It probably could be so. I’m not sure but it might help to disable all your openrepos repos, before you run the OS upgrade. You can do that in Storeman pulley menu.

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