C2 Phone to early even for developer?

This phone must be the worst ever with Sailfish OS, my Sony Xperia (with SailfFish OS 4.6) works smother and much more buggfree then this divese.
I know it’s a Comunity phone, but my old Nokia N900 and N9 from 15 years ago is still much better.


Okay so do you have any constructive feedback to provide Jolla on your C2 experience?


The only thing you can do is if you’re within your customer rights timeframe return it for a full refund. I’m going to keep an eye on the project but the c2 wasn’t for me so it’s back…

For me it will be useful if it could ever flawlessly run the basic Android I need: Revolut, WhatsApp, Volkswagen (with an EV the app is a must), my thermostat controller and my CCTV app, none of them were any good hence I returned it before it was too late.

I hope Jolla stays afloat but it really needs to be suitable to 2025, not to 2015 apps.

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Of corse I hsve notifyed Jolla about varius problems over the yeares… Complety without answer…

It will work better when you publish the ‘various problems’ here in this forum as an bug report.


And some maybe have workarounds available already.

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There is no perfect phone right now. Many of us feel frustration about that.

Personally I prefer a bit harder freedom then golden cage from the big ones.

Bottom line is how will I pay. Either with my data or with a bit of my effort.

There are ways to “fix” some (not all) Andy apps into fully working ones with some effort. This community is sometimes rude (myself included) but most of the time helpful. So very human :wink: .

One other interesting and for me important example: Either of two big ones doesn’t have a proper keyboard in my language (2 mil. native speakers). There are “usable” layouts with some letters on 2nd level but not proper one. Not even in Shops as a separate app. SFOS have 100% translation AND proper layout.

EDIT: BTW I use C2 as a daily driver since day one. Does it have bugs. Of course it does. Is it worth it for me? Hell yeah.


And Jolla tries to find it’s way. Sometimes it’s better, sometimes it’s harder. C2 is just a part of the path.
The more they get help, the more it will go forward.
@JohanZieger , would doing a whish list for the next one be an idea?
If made early enough, I’m sure this would avoid caveats and help going into a good direction.

I love SFOS and it’s my daily OS.
But, I agree with you on a that point: (and please members, forgive me, it’s my first troll-risky sentence):
N900 will never be beaten! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Don’t know what you have, I’ve been using the C2 as my main device since I got it. The X10III, on the other hand, had to be put in the drawer for a few months because I didn’t have any mobile internet

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I am a bit surprised, I found C2 annoyingly slow compared to 10iii on every single aspect. The only two areas C2 is better are a) less typing mistakes, larger keyboard helps, and b) battery life.

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Also using C2 as main device. Everything feels smoother than on my age old XZ2 compact with community port which I was using for a long time since original Jolla phone. With C2 my battery lasts for 4 days compared to charging xz2c every day. Only issue with C2 that affects me is the not always working clock/alarm but this seems to get fixed after killing process “ngfd” if it is using around 10 % of cpu instead of 0 %.

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Is this a serious answer to Johan’s question? He isn’t the only one who is disappointed. Nowhere was announced that the C2 would be a beta phone in a half baked shape. On the contrary: ‘this is the only device you will need’. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but basic functions such as wifi, mobile connection, browser should be ok on every C2 before selling it. We don’t know what went wrong during production and implementation, yet we can conclude that there was too much haste and a lack of control. Probably because the team is small.


Yes, better typing is/was an advantage compared to the narrow 10 III. Also the typical Sailfish design looks beautiful on a bigger screen. For me is the speaker a pain because I am wearing hearing aids. The combination of these and a low quality speaker is rather prohibitive.

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The forum shows the people here as very different requirements about there personal perfect phone. So e.g. I found request about the perfect camera. Other people claims that Whatsapp will not work fine enough. A third one missed a fingerprint sensors. And so on. And many times.

Sure a future Jolla C3 can fullfill all of this wishes. Or today one of the supported Sony devices.

We have a nice phone for all in this community who will help to improve SFOS or will create and maintance native apps. And for me this was promised in the offer of the C2.

The main frustration with SFOS comes from issues that have been dragging along for tooooo long.

Ie i still cant have word prediction in my native language. This is an issue that could have been sold with the help of the community if jolla addopted pressage. No idea how hard that is for jolla but it would have made localization work for more people.

I could rant for quite some time on various issues (from OS ones to design ones to UX ones etc) but at the end the annoying thing is that a phone running a linux distro doesn’t feel as much as a tool as my laptop running another distro.

On my laptop i can do 100% of the things i need to. On my phone i cannot. And that spoils it for me more than anything.


At the end for me, I’m happy I didn’t buy that phone.
I remember all the new versions of SFOS came out with Jolla Tablet and Jolla C. It was never perfect but it was always a usable device. Not many bugs and main functionalities worked. Only some.features had to be implemented later. Whatever I read about C2 is worse. Not ready, not even the basic things are working.
For me it looks like Jolla wanna sell crap to get money only from us.
Sorry but for me everything moves in the wrong direction.
I ordered a new xperia 10III last week and I hope it works well the next years like my current 10III did the past 4 years

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Oh look 2 post above. So “Whatever” - 1 :heart:

Well, i am also not happy with the Jolla C2 atm. The only advantages it brings (for me) compared to my perfectly working Xperia 10 III is 8 GB RAM and Android 13 in Alien Dalvik.
But on the other hand i am Jolla and SailfishOS Supporter from Day 1. I love the OS, so i bought this device also to show my support to the company. If it will be my daily driver or if i switch to Xperia 10 V - i will look in a couple of month. We will see…


Knowing their history with pocketing the money but not delivering devices (see tablet fiasco) you should be happy the C2 actually materialized, as alpha as it may be at this stage :grin:


Not for defending Jolla in this case but in a more general sense:
If you ever have found and manage a company you sure know about the financial and image risk when creating big projects. “Big” in relation to the company, of course. This risks aware you have to decide to start or stop such projects. Before start all the customer says “do it” e.g. with pre-orders. Than you pay the manufactors, the transport, the taxes, the insurances and your own employees. Your money and - when exist - the money from the pre-orders are gone. If you are lucky man the project comes to the happy end like in Hollywood. But in enough cases the end is bad and your company is damaged or dead. And than you have to read: “pocketing the money but not delivering”. Hmmm.

When you will stand to this word than go to the police. Taking money without delivering is a crime.

Now to the special case of the Jolla tablets. After the collapse of the tablet project the company was damaged. The option “give unmaintained money back” never exist. In the reality there was the option to die or to restart. What would be your choise??

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