Browser redesign in Sailfish 4.2 feedback thread

i use the vivaldi app as my main browser and found the solution there to be good. but I use the Sailfish browser more and more often :wink:

About swiping away tabs: I also hope for it, but how, is all to be seenā€¦ if you open three or more tabs, a swip up or down cannot be used (that would scrolls the page).
A swipe letft to right is used to go back to the web page (Web Pirate also uses left to right to both swipe back and closing tabs, according where you place your finger, but tabs are waaay smaller).
Then you have right to left available. Though, I suspect they are going to get rid of the pulleys to make room for a up/down gesture. The addition of those new buttons duplicating pulleys and gestures was way too fishy :confused:

How about tab-switch gesture ?

Similar as in FF, when you swipe the address bar it changes the tab. This is quite useful actually.

But thereā€™s also the swipe-to-go-back-patch, which would interfere with that. But that one stopped working for me anyway with the firejail sandbox :frowning:

Well, I donā€™t use patches so, Iā€™m not familiar with those. And in my opinion patches shouldnā€™t be a reason for not implementing a feature in the base OS.

Swipe to go back could work in the open page, though, similar as in Android at the moment with edge swipes. Not sure if the site content would interfere with it, so may not be a feasible solution.

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the patch allows swiping on the adress bar for going back/forth

when open tabs window, it always show tabs list from beginnig, but better and usefull show my curret tab in center of screen (because now i cant close current tab from main menu :rage: )


to me, the ad blocking seems not improved. With 4.2 Verlaā€™s browser I experience a number of web sites full of ads, that previeously looked clean and innocent.

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Did I miss something?
Did @Jolla add possibility of adding extensions or built-in some ad-blocking?

Did you previously use harbour-defender (II)?


probably not ;( thereā€™s a web site, which after the update shows a ton of ads and before none were visible. So, I thought - there might somenting in SaolfishOS block those ads. Most web sites I view in sailfishOS have no or few ads, actually. Plus, I never heard of harbour-defender ;(

Tab close button is too small.
Private browsing is too difficult now.

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A suggestion: Move the selection of normal/private browsing to the bottom. Its a long reach and you can open a new tab from the pulley anyway.


Thereā€™s a few more changes to the browser design in 4.3.

  • On the tab overview, the pulley menu has been completely removed and replaced by another button on the bottom toolbar, which pops up a menu with ā€˜new tabā€™, ā€˜new private tabā€™ and ā€˜close all tabsā€™. (Why? Now it takes even longer to open/close tabsā€¦)
  • The pop-up menus can now be swiped down to close them.
  • Thereā€™s now a noticeable delay when opening a pop-up menu, which is quite frustrating e.g. when you want to refresh a page. There was only a slight delay in 4.2.
  • When you open the tab overview, the currently active tab is now automatically in focus, fixing the bug from 4.2.

To add (as a bug?)

  • when closing a just recently -newly-tab (e.g. from another one), then the overview r
    throws you back to the first item of the list (bad) instead of the formerly opened one (good)

Oh, come on! Not even a nod to this in 4.3?
I realize this is mostly an old series of changes that got cut off by the release window, but none the less - it feels a lot like screaming into the void.

Sure, the menu grew a handle, but that doesnā€™t scream or even say draggable to me, it merely whispers.
I still think another ā€œdockā€ transition is the way to go; menu looking like it comes from underneath the bottom bar.

As @nthn mentions; what is the redundant menu in the already-silly bottom bar in the tab view for?
Iā€™m in principle for (limited, carefully considered) options, and not completely ignoring newcomers being confused - but a button and a ā€œmore hidden buttonā€ arenā€™t options; itā€™s just redundant.
Even one of those new-fangled floating buttons like Android has (gmail/outlook/ā€¦) would have been miles better than a bar with out-of-style icons and with 5 actions out of 6 that are redundant.

Jolla was supposed to be at the forefront of beautiful usability design. This is just not that, sorry.


Hm, now the SFOS functionality is completely dead in the tab selector. When your SFOS design is so ugly why not look at Android and copy it??? As Android now is inventing swiping. Background swiping is difficult now and it is addressed by users - nobody cares. Why not building a window header with an X and a _ for opening and putting it into background. This works for decades (on desktops and it is not what a SFOS user wants). Please read your own design documents!!!


On my Xperia 10 it needs 3 restarts after the update until it was working. But now it works fine, the tab selector too.
In general, I am happy with the browser and the design, but it still lacks the possibility to install overlay blocker, adblocker ā€¦

Whoever decided that removing the pulley for a new tab in the tab section (and also thought that having a menu to open and close tabs) has no place in making decision regarding the UI.

Come on people. We have a paradigm of usage in SFOS and we ā€œhaveā€ to keep it consistent. Try at least.


For me the design is o.k. , it works and it doesnā€™t look like Android.
IMHO, Pulley menus are not the best idea on all screens where scrolling is wanted or necessary.