Browser address bar input loses focus after first character in Landscape mode

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): 100%
BUILD ID = OS VERSION (Settings > About product):
HARDWARE (XA2, X10, X10 II, …): X10DS
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): yes compared to 4.0 and lower. Don’t know about 4.1


When using the sailfish-browser in landscape orientation, tapping on the address will bring up the text input field with all text selected.
Starting to type e.g. a search term, after the first character the Browser history appears, and the text field loses focus.
Tapping again will then again select all text, which is the single character you typed, so that you have to enter the start of your word again.


Have the browser opened and a web page loaded. Have the device in Landscape orientatiin.


  1. tap on the address bar
  2. start typing
  3. observe focus lost (VKB closes)
  4. again tap the address bar
  5. observe character is selected, typing will remove it so you have to either:
  • re-enter it
  • use a “keyboard with arrows” layout to remove the selection
  • tap somewhere in the text field to remove the selection


Focus stays in the address bar after first character entered.
Appearance of histoy search results should not remove focus from the text field.


See above


This does not happen in portrait orientation.

In Landscape the VKB actually closes when the object move in place (bookmark icons and history results.

This seems like a minor glitch but once discovered it tis extemely annoying.


I cant reproduce it on my 10II. Did you take a look at the logs when this is happening? (

Or is the issue fixed?

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Definitely still happening on with a X10iii.

I think it’s this part in /usr/share/sailfish-browser/pages/HistoryPage.qml

onLoad: {
view.focus = true
root.loadPage(url, newTab)

onSaveBookmark: root.saveBookmark(url
, title, favicon)


header: Column {
width: parent.width
PageHeader {
//% "History"
title: qsTrId("sailfish_brows
SearchField {
id: searchField
width: parent.width
//% "Search"
placeholderText: qsTrId("sail
enabled: !pendingRemorse && v

EnterKey.onClicked: focus = f
onTextChanged: {
text) = searchField

My theory is the onTextChanged activates the view, which fires the onLoad function, which then steals the focus.
Or something like that.

are you having anything keyboard related installed?

A couple of custom layouts, the speech note ones, and the ‘kbd adapted to long phones’ and ‘emoji’ patches.

Oh and I have the ‘pulley menus in browser’ patch active, but removing that doesn’t change the behaviour.

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I had noticed something similar, but not related to landscape mode. I recently removed the browser entirely, keeping only my bookmarks and the re-install seemed to have dealt with, for instance, not getting to search (like, at all). I started speculating, but since a re-install worked…

On the volla, if I tap on the address bar start typing, then switch to landscape, it’s fine. If I start in landscape mode it also appears to work as it should, focus remains.

Can’t reproduce on XIII 4.4, the keyboards with arrows do introduce some bugs when moving cursor around and the word suggestions are active (with word underscored) maybe this is causing it?


Wow, indeed it is that!
Default keyboards work.

Thanks for hunting that down.


I beg to differ.
I have this issue with no modifications whatsoever, somewhere around 30% of the time.

It starts with the bookmarks grid not loading (at least most of the time), then after having typed a single character it pops in but resulting in lost focus and hidden keyboard.

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Oh, dear. In portrait mode? PS. you guys stop finding bugs in the browser. I need jolla time on the WebView component!!!

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Landscape only. I do have it set to split mode, if perhaps that makes a difference.

Can we close this and you open a new bug @attah?
From my point of view the original bug is resolved and your issue sounds differently with bookmarks not loading.

Fair enough, i’ll make a new one.


Thanks for the but @nephros, for the useful following discussion, and the agreement on closing/recreating a new bug for the slightly different situation @attah and @thigg.

I’ll close this bug now since the original related to a modification. If anyone wants to add something to it later, please message me and I can reopen it.

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