I noticed that at least in latest SFOS 4.5 (but I think it was the same also previously), if one searches for bluetooth devices with Settings → Bluetooth → Search for devices, the device is shown either by its name or by MAC address if the name is not set.
As the names are not necessarily unique (often they are just the BT device model), I’d like if the UI would show both name and MAC address, either using two lines for the list item (bigger font for name, smaller one for address) or maybe in a single line like “DeviceName [XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX]”
Full agree! Very good idea! If one has 2 identical devices, e.g. sound adapter, both show the same name on scanning. Following @simosagi 's suggestion, it would be easy to distinguish between these 2 devices. There’s more than enough space in height for an additional line in device list.
I guess /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Bluetooth/BluetoothDeviceColumnView.qml is for aarch64 devices.
On my XA2 (armv7hl) there is instead /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Bluetooth/BluetoothDeviceColumnView.qml
Yes, everything is perfectly normal without the patches.
I understand it’s not a trivial thing. Could it be related to the famous No bluetooth auto connect on Xperia 10 III bug? Seems far-fetched, but still.
It looks like the screen space used is limited to what is being used by my paired devices in Sailfish stock mode. That is, when no patches are activated.
Thus, when patches are activated, the available screen space does not increase accordingly, but remains in the normal state.
Showing the moving device name was the clue. It is currently only moving up if connection status is shown, not with the address. I have changed the detection to detect whether any text is shown, and now it behaves correctly I think.