Banking apps on Sailfish OS

Do you mean Aurora Store does NOT work?


If you are in the EU (I’m not), they have given you the DMA. Google is a gatekeeper, and some API’s are anti competitive, like this. Join St Max doing God’s work.

Also think of Article 11 of the ECHR which protects “freedom of association”
An unconsidered aspect of that is that in the tech era you are being compelled to associate with both foreign corporations, and the govt’s whose security laws they must obey. The ECHR probably only bears on the State compelling you, not private actors. It might however be used e.g. to stop a govt dept from exclusively distributing it’s apps on Play store and IoS only.
I am currently using this argument to stop my (state funded) university forcing me to agree to a contract with the Turnitin anti-cheating service as a condition of submitting assignments.

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Yes, the app detects it hasn’t been installed by the Google Play Store, and prevents me from logging in.

It still works. You can set ‘Installation method’ as ‘AM installer’ in AuroraStore and use App Manager from F-Droid. In App Manager->Settings->Installer>Installer App->


Is the fix supposed to be just what you’ve described there, or is there further, app-specific tweakage needed as well? I tried it with the app “Hanseatic Bank Secure” (as mentioned in the Wiki above by me), with “MicroG Companion/” acting as installer app with App Manager, however it still complains about the “App download being untrustworthy”, just as it did before via Aurora Store’s session install method.

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No additional app tweaking is required. Setting in AppManager is the same as choosing Native Installer(now marked as deprecated) in Aurora Store.
It looks like your banking app uses additional methods of “trustworthiness” checking :).

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You speak of “”, however on my end it is (being the sole “” entry in App Manager’s list) labelled with “MicroG Companion” on top. Is having MicroG installed already a given pre-requisite anyway in your step-by-step instructions, or could that be another source for issues?

“” is a string that “Google Play Store” sets during install process and some banking apps are checking this string to confirm that is installed from Play Store. App Manager shows MicroG because MicroG has registered this string in AAS.
Regarding banking app and its requirements MicroG itself is another issue.


Alright, thanks for elaborating.

I wasn’t referring to your post, but to the one from @Pasci
Sorry for that misunderstanding

Yeah, its the same like the discussion of the ingdiba app above. The app is checking the installation source.

That’s unfortunate. Maybe the installation method via the App Manager mentioned above can help with this.

It is really good to have all this information here, so you can check a benk before switching to it

You are correct, this fix did work for me!
So I can confirm polish ING app works on SFOS after jumping through some hoops.


We should lobby to EU to mandate some banking app standards. Right now, banking apps effectively enforce a mobile duopoly: App Store and Google Play. They will never bother with anything else, so other platforms will remain niche.

One realistic solution could be to force them to make most functionality available to a web browser, plus perhaps some browser containerization for the sake of security.