Any chance of non-Sony phones being officially supported in the future ?!

@remote BINGO! :smiley:

Like I said : Their Flip model is something I wouldn’t mind having and installing Sailfish on!
Not the cheapest but I would rather pay that amount for it than I would for many other phones these days!

Seems Planet Computers has “planned support” for Sailfish on the Astro Slide, along with Debian and Kali. Its not mentioned on that indiegogo page, but certainly is on the Planet Computers own product page Astro Slide 5G - Planet Computers (in the section on “Platform”). No indication whether Jolla feels the same way though


Planet anounced SfOS for the Cosmo as well - they even had a Sailfish Logo on the Indiegogo site. Apart from an alpha release and some updated packages there has never been an active community around this device, so I wouldn’t bet on support for it’s succesor. I guess the Gemini PDA is still the safest bet for a keyboard device running SailfishOS. There was a quite active community around the F(X)tec Pro1. It got a bit quiet around this device, though, and I don’t even know if the Pro1x is supported at all.


Are there any news about the ASTRO SLIDE 5G from Planet??? I’d love to have it with SFOS. December 2023 is mentioned on their website

they’ve basically in administration, so they will not be an appealing partner for any long term commercial relationship.

A couple of times I’ve read Jolla is in administration. Can you give a link?

i was talking about Planet Computers. :slight_smile:

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ahh, Oops. Now I wonder what I read previously!, my mistake, thanks for correction!

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According to this, Jolla is insolvent as well:

The article in English (much better understandable for most of us Sailors):

The article ends with:

"According to the application, Jolla signed a multi-year licensing agreement with the Hong Kong company Chinastone in 2021, and is targeting the Chinese market with the agreement.

According to the company, the agreement will generate significant license fees for it in the next few years."

I am more than happy to pay a yearly fee to keep sailing and to keep this secure and privacy respecting OS alive.

Keeping my fingers crossed smart moves are made.

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Hopefully the China move won’t imply any exotic changes in the code of SFOS

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So from one country under sanctions Jolla goes to the next country that is already under partial sanctions and will be under severe sanctions should it decide to invade Taiwan, I guess these geopolitically risky moves are either the only way Jolla can stay afloat or the board room is just incapable of taking geopolitics into account (which seems to be a common issue in High Tech, I worked at a place that was actively working on setting up a new location in Ukraine when that war started while the writing had been on the wall for a while by then).