Android 13 and SailfishOS on Xperia 10 III

I can’t recall details any more, but I once dd’dthe root partition from one Jolla to another, in attempt to fix it crashing. It worked fine for a few weeks, until it started hanging and crashing again.

I went into rescue mode and used dd to copy the root partition to a file in my computer and similarily put it into the bad device. Nothing extra needed really, if dd is a familiar tool that is

Sure, of course dd works, but this question is purely about getting better UX with ddrescue, which has many conveniences as defaults. We wouldn’t have to process tens of msgs about progress monitoring, for one :grinning:


I did a new install of SailfishOS on top of Android 13, and so far most things seem to work, and it has fixed the problem with echo on calls.

The only thing that doesn’t work now is scanning QR codes in Microsoft Authenticator Android app – if I try doing this, the camera freezes and then doesn’t work in any Android app (though it still works fine in native apps); if I don’t try scanning a QR code in Authenticator, camera works fine in other Android apps. Any ideas how to fix this?
Edit: scanning QR codes also doesn’t work in my banking app, and in the healthcare app; restarting Android AppSupport makes camera work again on other apps.


That happened to me as well when I flashed newer binaries…it got back to normal after I switched to the recommended binaries.


Fun, so I get to choose between no QR code scanning in Android apps and no echo cancellation on calls…

How do you know that this has anything to do with installing SFOS on top of Android 13? Have you tried it on Android 11 and it worked in such case?

No worries, if you flash the recommended binaries on top of Android 13 base, you’ll have no issues with the echo…or the camera, for that matter.

It worked fine before I reinstalled.

Which recommended binaries?

The ones recommended by Jolla (

Hey @wetab73 , I just followed your guide and successfully backed up my system like this. Thank you!
Now, would you mind if I add your guide to in order for it to be easier to find for other people?


Sure, please feel free to add it wherever it may help anyone.


I have a question regarding Android 13 here:
If VoLTE on Xperia 10 III doesn’t currently work with my provider, is there a chance for it to start working if I use a newer Android/Binaries?

Coincidentally, I completely reinstalled my daily driver (Sony Xperia 10 III) yesterday.

Encouraged by this thread I flashed Android 13 via Emma and flashed the latest Sailfish OS alongside the recommended software binaries SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_11_4.19_v9a_lena with the jolla flash script. I basically followed the installation instructions by jolla with the exception of the Android 13 base.

Color banding is gone. EDIT: I think some other users also reported this. The greenish banding is way less intrusive but on low backlight in a dark environment it is still noticeable. If I recall correct, the resulting colors of the Android 11 base in combination with the workaround of JacekJagosz were more natural. [X10II] [X10III] Color banding in low light conditions - #24 by JacekJagosz

No echoing issue reported. I have the impession that the device responds quicker and performs better overall, but this might be due to the “fresh install”.

But that didn’t affect my personal experiences with VoLTE. I have a pretty old sim card (> 10 years) from o2 germany. Calling via VoLTE works fine although I don’t get a ring back sound. Receiving SMS works fine but sending SMS is impossible*. SMS get transfered instantly if i switch VoLTE off though.

So you can expect improvements but I’m affraid not on the VoLTE side.

*Due to the fresh installation of SFOS VoLTE was enabled by default and at my first test run I was able to send one sms. May be my phone wasn’t registered in a 4G cell already, but I wasn’t able to send another SMS afterwards.

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Hard to tell. With binaries, you can simply flash various versions of them and see if it helps. Binaries can be reflashed anytime, without affecting SFOS installation in any way. Even if some version makes your phone non-bootable, you can just reflash it back to a working version. No harm will be done to SFOS.

As for the underlying Android, there’s more work to test various versions. A full image of rootfs and home partitions of SFOS (e.g. using dd) might help, as in such case you can always restore the OS to the imaged state.

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Try Android 12 based binaries (v2a as v3a doesn’t seem to work) and see if it further improves things. For months I’ve been using Android 12 base + Android 12 v2a binaries and it works perfectly fine.


That’s very bad news. Is there then even any way to fix VoLTE on Xperia 10 III besides changing provider?

I tried to flash the newer binaries, and it failed successfully:

$ fastboot flash oem_a SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_12_4.19_v3a_lena.img
Warning: skip copying oem_a image avb footer due to sparse image.
Sending 'oem_a' (355492 KB)                        OKAY [  0.835s]
Writing 'oem_a'                                    OKAY [  0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 0.846s

No way it transferred 348MB in 0.8 seconds!

My device booted but without SIM card (and who know what else). So I flashed back the original:

$ fastboot flash oem_a SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_11_4.19_v9a_lena.img 
Warning: skip copying oem_a image avb footer due to sparse image.
Sending 'oem_a' (343636 KB)                        OKAY [ 16.370s]
Writing 'oem_a'                                    OKAY [  0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 16.568s

Back to a working phone!

Why is that? I assumed I could just flash the oem_a partition, but it doesn’t seem to go through…

And yes, I know I should use Emma and go full Android for a boot or three. I just wanted to give this a try first.

Sometimes it fails this way, I’ve also had it a few times. Just repeat it.

But in case of Android 12 v3a binaries it doesn’t make much sense anyway, since they don’t seem to work correctly (mobile data and WiFi seem to be broken). Android 12 v2a is the last version of binaries working 100% fine for me.

Not really. You can flash the binaries to oem_a partition whenever you want, independently of anything else. It just sometimes fails this way, for no apparent reason. There’s absolutely no harm in re-doing it and on the second attempt it usually works just fine.


My rephone is unusable, due to a smashed screen. Sony Xperia 10V is not ready yet, so I decided to nuy a used 10 III, But now I have problems with flashing.
I tried to flash over different Android 13 versions with the SW binarys for Android 11.
Everytime I try I get the same error:

darkstar@Workstation:~/Downloads/Sailfish_OS-Jolla-$ sudo /home/darkstar/Downloads/Sailfish_OS-Jolla- 
Flash utility v1.2
Detected Linux
Searching device to flash..
Found XQ-BT52, serial:HQ622R1880, baseband:62.2.A.0.525, bootloader:1322-1665_X_Boot_SM6350_LA2.0.2_T_205
Found matching device with serial HQ622R1880
Fastboot command: fastboot -s HQ622R1880
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 getvar secure
<< secure: no
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 flash:raw boot_a hybris-boot.img
Sending 'boot_a' (28240 KB)                        OKAY [  0.887s]
Writing 'boot_a'                                   OKAY [  0.130s]
Finished. Total time: 1.029s
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 flash:raw boot_b hybris-boot.img
Sending 'boot_b' (28240 KB)                        OKAY [  0.890s]
Writing 'boot_b'                                   OKAY [  0.142s]
Finished. Total time: 1.046s
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 flash dtbo_a dtbo.img
Sending 'dtbo_a' (238 KB)                          OKAY [  0.014s]
Writing 'dtbo_a'                                   OKAY [  0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 0.028s
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 flash dtbo_b dtbo.img
Sending 'dtbo_b' (238 KB)                          OKAY [  0.017s]
Writing 'dtbo_b'                                   OKAY [  0.006s]
Finished. Total time: 0.033s
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 flash userdata sailfish.img001
Warning: skip copying userdata image avb footer (userdata partition size: 112111374336, userdata image size: 140732374688672).
Sending sparse 'userdata' 1/3 (746980 KB)          OKAY [ 18.962s]
Writing 'userdata'                                 OKAY [ 14.303s]
Sending sparse 'userdata' 2/3 (779583 KB)          OKAY [ 19.610s]
Writing 'userdata'                                 OKAY [ 14.133s]
Sending sparse 'userdata' 3/3 (293646 KB)          OKAY [  7.339s]
Writing 'userdata'                                 OKAY [  7.952s]
Finished. Total time: 83.014s
>> fastboot -s HQ622R1880 flash oem_a ./SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_11_4.19_v9a_lena.img
Sending 'oem_a' (819200 KB)                        FAILED (remote: 'Requested download size is more than max allowed
fastboot: error: Command failed
Flashing failed (1)

I have no clue, what’s going wrong. Can anyone help me please. I need a device, which runs SF. I tried it with Android for three days now and it was a pain in the ass.

Edit: Got it to work, flashed the SW binaries now with the option
-S 256M
now the Android 12 vesion. That worked and SF is starting. Will have a look if everything works.

sudo fastboot flash oem /home/darkstar/Downloads/Sailfish_OS-Jolla- -S 256M
Warning: skip copying oem image avb footer (oem partition size: 838860800, oem image size: 140726211807616).
Sending sparse 'oem' 1/2 (258632 KB)               OKAY [  6.896s]
Writing 'oem'                                      OKAY [  0.002s]
Sending sparse 'oem' 2/2 (66524 KB)                OKAY [  4.619s]
Writing 'oem'                                      OKAY [  0.001s]
Finished. Total time: 11.532s
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Just a warning. I tried to install latest 13 v4a binaries using this guide: [LENA][11][4.19] Echo cancellation is not enabled for voice calls · Issue #771 · sonyxperiadev/bug_tracker · GitHub and ended up with no sound after reboot as pulseaudio refused to start.

Luckily I was able to use the same guide for 11 v9a binaries resulting in restored sound after reboot.