A tablet port from verdanditeam


my g2 with 1GB of ram can use browser no issues but 1GB i admit can be bit low

but with 2+ GB I’ve never had a single issue with ram

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Redmi 5 Plus with SFOS 32 bit… and now if I launch sailfish-browser or Angelfish especially with some heavier website and/or more tabs…

Yes! As much gold as heavy it is! :slight_smile:
I have to admit that I prefer a 8" tablet

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These days 8" is a phone lol

I’m open to any other xiaomi tablet suggestions

Use mainline kernel + mesa or Android + libhybris?

Xiaomi Pad 5(nabu) has a good mainline kernel support.

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no obviously freaking not


Tidings seem to use quite some memory here at 400M RSS. Usually a SFOS app will top at 80M. Even lipstick uses half of the RSS of Tidings.

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Yes, probably after some time and refreshes. Quickddit takes usually too over 100M. Another example is SailfishPodcast app from OpenRepos which takes around 250-300MB right from start.

Why not make that port furute proof by choosing a device with plenty of RAM?

See no reason why not to. Kleinanzeigen.de is your friend in case one needs sth. dirty cheap.

P.S Wanna port on ARM or x86? Mainline or via Android?

Mister Magister has been supporting the community for about 7 years and produced many high quality ports. One presumes that if there’s a Xiaomi Pad 6, there will be a 7 which can be easily adapted to.

I also suspect users would be more likely to try out a cheap tablet than an expensive one.


7 is already out but its too fresh for sfos

And yes when choosing tablet first thing was: which vendor, and options were xiaomi or google, but google was way too expensive so we settled on xiaomi

Then there was choosing which one, you need android up to 14 for sfos to work, so that was limit and also third rule was cheapest possible cause people don’t like to mess with expensive devices.

Thats how we settled on pad 6. I know some people don’t like 11" but sadly there’s no other option.

Oh also @David it’s more like 9 years :stuck_out_tongue: (In september of this year my g2 port will achieve decade of support)


Oh and forgot to add:

Many people might not know “what the hell is verdanditeam” well sit down kid let grandpa tell you a story:

Back in 2015, the only way to get sfos device was jolla phone which was basically unobtainium or jolla c which was closely behind in unobtainiumness. I was finishing my g2 port and it was working so well + I was making many other ports like moto x2, x1, x force, x play (with k31j0 who is the Team part), so idea was created to make a branding for my ports so that when people see the branding they can be assured that port will be well made and will be supported for long time (cough 10 years in september). I have website verdanditeam.com where you can check out the ports and also currently we’re cooking a updater with k31j0 so that people on my ports have similar updating experience as people on official ports, no terminal. So ye, unless my device dies or nobody uses the port i don’t plan on stopping support… ever.