A tablet port from verdanditeam

Hello again!

Recently I’ve released Oneplus 6(t) port and people have been quite happy with it sauce.

After which, people on my SailfishOS telegram group suggested an idea of tablet port and like, at least two people are interested and one of them wants to fund it (the device).

And because I’m a sucker for punishment and 5 ports and 9 apps doesn’t take enough of my free time I thought why not, not that I need or want a tablet.

So, because nobody wants to buy 2+ years old device or too expensive device, obvious idea was to get latest possible device on which sfos can run and from a vendor that has chances of not sucking so after bit of deliberation we settled on Xiaomi Pad 6 (specs). No clue if the port will be good because nobody can know that unless someone tries to port but xiaomemes and snapdragons have been good in past.

And I’m here to check the interest, if people would want such port and if they would buy the device, and so, do you want such port? Would you buy the device for the port?


Otherwise sounds very interesting, but there is no gps on the device.

Sorry but at least 2 people are wondering this:

What do you need gps for on a tablet?

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I’m interested even though I still have the 10 years old Jolla Tablet!

PS: no need for GPS just looking at PureMaps is sufficient.

Yeah its meant as a jolla tablet 2.0 :stuck_out_tongue:


I would buy one, provided it is possible to get hold of one. I’ve waited 10 years for a SFOS tablet.


its barely over year old, i can buy one directly from xiaomi still

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Yes, I know I can buy one for now, but I’m poor, so I need to be reasonably sure that there will be an flash able SFOS image before I buy.

Yeah I assumed that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Great idea. Would love to get my hands on a Sailfish OS tablet

I own one. As it is a family tablet, I can’t convert mine to SFOS (please no debate on this), but I can say that the hardware feels very nice and was well worth the price.
From this point of view I would say: good choice :wink:

Yeah i got another person who also uses it on android and says hardware is decent, lets hope firmware is too :stuck_out_tongue:

Plan’s good but we’ll see how it goes

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Do you mean directly from China? Otherwise the 8GB RAM variant is becoming hard (or overpriced) to find new, at least in e-shops in CZ, PL and DE.

Yes, of course :blush:

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no from shop in Poland

i couldn’t care less for 8GB of ram when 2GB is enough

2GB enough for what? At least without OOM killer sometimes even 4GB RAM isn’t enough.

2GB is plenty enough for sailfishos, i did not yet have a need for 50+ apps running concurrently. with 6GB you can run like 200 apps at the same time which is not needed

But not for Sailfisg Browser apparently

For sailfish browser as well unless you use official xperia ports

Also 64 bit ports or only 32?