[4.4] XA2 SD-card access errors, fstab mismatch?


After a successfull upgrade to Vanha Rauma without errors or failed reboots I started having SD-card problems. I’m having read & write errors with Camera, Backup and Filecat.

  • Camera can’t save to SD-card path
  • Backup has write errors
  • Filecat grayed out the card
  • Gallery can however access card pictures?

My card is unencrypted with: 0775 defaultuser defaultuser rights. From /run/* path to */defaultuser/UUID/ path.

CLI console reveals a UUID mismatch between fstab records and /run/media/defaultuser/*

Can this be my problem and what a healty fstab looks in 4.4?

You’re talking about this bug?

@pherjung Yes, this thread can be closed or used as support post.

Thanks for highlighting this as a duplicate @pherjung, and for your consideration @DarkWhite. I’ll archive this thread to avoid it becoming the focus of discussion, but if someone stumbles upon it, please see the thread suggested by @pherjung and feel free to continue the conversation there: