REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): All the time
BUILD ID = OS VERSION (Settings > About product):, probably much older
HARDWARE (XA2, X10, X10 II, …): X
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?):
For some time now the contacts sync with my nextcloud over carddav fails. It initially worked, but failed sometime ago. I only recently found the time to look further into it.
From the reported error, it seems that the redirection is not properly handled by the code. The code is aborting sync when the redirection is changing host. From the log, we have old redirected to /remote.php/dav. The code is written like that in src/carddav.cpp :
So in this case hostChange will be true, because the redirection URL has no host defined.
I mean, it’s valid to redirect to /remote... but the code as it is written will lead to the change host route. Which is faulty and needs to be patched.
I am also struggling with sync issues here on my X10 II. Changes that I perform on my PC are synced with nextcloud but not to the phone. Changes on the phone are sometimes synced. If they are, new contacts get synced multiple times. So the same contact is created several times on the server.
I will try the logging tonight to give you some more information.
CardDav to Nextclozd never worked reliable in the last few years / releases. Running sync to device (one way mode) + clear contact db before helps to retrieve all /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged/Contacts/qt* && rm *db*