[][][][][] No notification sounds (ringing, SMS, alarm)

Just had this no ringtone bug and restarted App. Support but it did not help.
Phonr restart did help. (aah keyboard)
I just noticed that you can check if the ringtone still works by adjusting it’s volume when in the events view. If the volume bar says ringtone volume all is ok haha good tip right ;-p
When adjusting the volume in the web browser, the bar will be labeled as volume and if you switch back to the events view or desktop view you will see it changed to ringtone volume.

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I have had the watcher running for a while now, and it detects a deadlock nicely.

In case it’s related to the audio file in question, every restart it caught was because of keira-black-ringtone.ogg.


Glad it works for you too…:slight_smile: It might not be related to what is played, but to the repeated playing in itself that has more chances of triggering the deadlock. There are cases the deadlock happens without an opened audio file, it is just that we can use this crutch to detect the condition if it is opened for more than 60 seconds…

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The file itself seems to be just fine, according to oggz validate keira-black-ringtone.ogg (and so are all the other ringtones, too)…

Still occurring for me, any word on when jolla might get a fix in for this? This bug basically requires me to keep an Android phone around.

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Did you try this one? I’m interested if it happens with this work around or not. The automated solution seems to be at the end of the discussion


[31 Mar]

I can advise a temporary solution, although it has become permanent for me, moving from version to version, which I use myself https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/the-sounds-of-incoming-calls-sms-notifications-disappear/9496/17?u=comsorg

Interestingly enough, I haven’t had this issue for quite some time (several weeks now), could some OS update have fixed it? I’m currently running

In my case I see a temporal correlation between the no sound issue and the removal of patch manager. I removed patch manager 5 days ago and still have sound. Before I had to restart once a day. Maybe this is another problem. Anyway, what I noticed further is that when the Issue occurs, it is even not possible to play music files. The start button is grayed out. Anybody seen this before?

EDIT: I have take back the part with patch manager - there is correlation. Just realized, that it happened again. And it is possible to play music files (without sound). It just takes like 10 seconds to play one second in the music player. The same applies for Videos. It’s like slow motion (without sound).
EDIT2: Please ignore my post… Here we are: [][Xperia 10 III] The sound disappears and video freeze

I just spent a long weekend on the Åland Islands, and there I had to reset the phone (Sony Xperia 10 III, with SFOS at least daily because the sounds had stopped working. Returning to mainland Finland and the capital region, I’ve not had this happen again.

Perhaps this long-standing issue is somehow related to bad radio fields and/or roaming (for some reason, Ålcom is tagged as being a roamed network, in spite of fully supporting Elisa clients at base prices)?

I also now realized that my hotel was right by the harbour, and ships (with their own mobile base stations) coming and going on a regular basis might have something to do with this.

Did you use (android) map application during the trip? Those are usually memory hungry and cause oom-events which may ruin ngdf functionality.

Yes, I did use c:geo (although it is rather conservative with memory usage, pre-loading the National Survey map makes it rather huge in any case).

I got this bad behaviour due to Android TEAMS app.
When my status was set on computer as “do not disturb” it silenced all my devices and apps (included smartphone)
Solved by checking personal accounts “current status” to be not “silenced”

Unfortunately this issue seems to persist even in SFOS (Sauna), last night during Jolla Love Day 2 I upgraded, and a couple of hours later I noticed that my sounds were gone. Resolved with the usual reboot.

For some reason I’ve now within a few days been repeatedly been hit by this issue under SFOS (Sauna), and in a way that restarting the audio system did not help. Rebooting did.

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systemctl --user restart ngfd works for me, but overall this problem seems relates to gstreams problem and is long existing somehow, normal audio player doesn’t have any problem but just notifications does cause this bugs sporatically

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I haven’t had problems for months, then in the last few days I had to restart ngfd several times…

@vlagged @dcaliste @direc85

I can now reliably reproduce it using this simple script below.

A freshly started ngfd will die at the third or fourth invocation of it.

Note that it seems to be dependent on the type of “VIBRA_ID” (category form /usr/share/ngfd/events.d/


import dbus

# ‣ Type=method_call  Endian=l  Flags=0  Version=1  Priority=0 Cookie=2209
#  Sender=:1.9557  Destination=com.nokia.NonGraphicFeedback1.Backend  Path=/com/nokia/NonGraphicFeedback1  Interface=com.nokia.NonGraphicFeedback1  Member=Play
#  UniqueName=:1.9557
#  MESSAGE "sa{sv}" {
#          STRING "pulldown_highlight";
#          ARRAY "{sv}" {
#          };
#  };



#get the session bus
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
the_object = bus.get_object( DEST, PATH )
the_interface = dbus.Interface(the_object, dbus_interface=IFACE)

asv = dbus.Array()
print("Sending:", VIBRA_ID)
reply = the_interface.Play(VIBRA_ID, asv, signature="sa(sv)")

print("Got:", reply)
#reply = the_interface.Stop(reply)


while sleep 0.5 ; do time ~/bin/vibrate_dbus.py || break; done

will either hang, or crash ngfd.


Awesome! I will try this on the Mi note 10. I guess you have these results on C2, right?

Adding to the ping list: @pvuorela as he was recently looking into this too ,

Thanks, I will definitely poke around running that script! We are aware that ngfd still needs work; let’s hope this helps luring the underlaying bug out.


Same principle, simpler call:

while sleep 0.5; do
busctl call com.nokia.NonGraphicFeedback1.Backend / com.nokia.NonGraphicFeedback1 Play 'sa(sv)' feedback_alert 0