[4.0.1] Ideas for polishing / evolving Sailfish 4

You mean for their covers to only show the logo instead of a thumbnail of the application?

Why do you want to have it that way? The only meaningful reason would be more privacy if other people can also look at your display (shoulder surfing). In that case, it is a useful feature for certain situations, but it should not be enabled by default.

It’d be nice to have it as an option…

But why? You could add an ‘option’ for everything, but what purpose would it serve?


I would remove scrolling by pages from the launcher, and even more - would make launcher to be able to left just partially open ie for placing the top few rows of icons more comfortably under a thumb for easier access.

Also, i would then remove the redundant top row peekaboo feature from the homescreen.

Secondly, a launcher feedback spinner on icons, along with leaving launcher open after clicking an icon, allowing to launch few apps at a time. Last opened app would steal the foreground - or maybe launching them all on background in this scenario.

More options for keyboard - height, numbers row, additional characters with long press.

Remorses.Smoothly running remorse counter is much more informative and calming, especially in the last second where user won’t see any visual cues during the whole last second with the current implementation, making it needlessly more of a rush-situation for an user.

Add some physics into launcher animations, ie different accelerations for faster or slower swipes. Or just the ability to make animations faster.

Vibration when call is answered - minimize the time of close range microwaving.

Since the top edge is hard to access on bigger phones, make an optional close gesture from the corner of the bottom edge of the screen.

Implement the no home carousel patch. Remove backward-moving/downscaling animation from covers screen, let only the tapped cover to provide visual feedback for users input.

Features provided by ultimate statusbar patch, namely the bigger clock. Also customizable statusbar background for cases of unreadable statusbar text with some ambiances.

For now the patches help to achieve some of these, but i think they should be included in SF.

And visual redesign of a caller screen effect - the sliding green door effect is ugly, make a revolving rectangle effect with subtle gradients or something.

For me personally, the tap is as good as swipe, so use whatever is reasonable .