Jolla Love Day 2

Someone asked one of the first QA questions about what happens if you don’t pay, worth rechecking if they said anything about appsupport stopping working, was bit preoccupied atm but remember hearing about no updates (no downgrades are a given, but maybe appsupport will start calling home to check license??? Hopefully not)

For Sailfisch OS its for App Support, Exchange Support,… (All the comercail things but only for new supported Devices so the Community Edition Phone and Sony Xperia 10 iV & 10 V)

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What’s App Support? Will someone help with the apps?

I recently bought a X10 V and also preordered the C2 phone. Think I will use the Sony X10 V as a daily driver with appsupport and the C2 to figure out if I can use Sailfish OS without appsupport for my daily live.

So far I am fine with the subscription model, as long as the development of Sailfish OS is going in the right direction.

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Jolla did promoto Sailfish OS on festure phone years ago. I think that INOI also released feature phone running Sailfish OS. So it could be possible. But HMD have not released that many KaiOS devices. They are mostly using Series30+ (what ever it acrually is).

Here is the link with the Timestamp for the Q&A Question:

also the clarification answer for comercial compnents


Thanks, more or less as I remembered, ‘it will not disable’ hopefully also meant appsupport, but we’ll see (really doubt they’d go for that, your sub lapses and suddenly all your banking apps stop working… yeah everyone would be wary of such trial)
Edit: wow the clarification link above clears that, so money conscious buyers can get now the whole thing for a fiver, I guess win-win for everyone


Android AppSupport, to be specific. It’s a commercial add-on type of thingy which allows you to run Android apps on your Sailfish OS phone.There’s a third party involved so there are financial implications in offering it alongside Sailfish OS.


Hello all,

Pre-ordered both the Jolla Community Phone and the Jolla Mind 2 :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to install SFOS 4.6 on my Xperia 10 III, and standing ready for the Xperia 10 V !

Well done Jolla !

Cheers, Sam


I hope that the partnership with Reeder will lead to more (maybe also some commercial) apps for Sailfish OS (of course only if Reeder sells Sailfish powered devices).


I’ve ordered a “C2” (voucher), but I don’t really know if it’s going to be good enough as a daily driver. Bigger but with lower res than my current Zenfone 10. Can the Android side use NFC hardware yet? Paying by phone is a pretty big feature. Actually, can’t see NFC in Jolla or Reeder specs, oh dear. Maybe I should refund it and get an Xperia :grimacing:

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But it could be that the sony binaries have some bugs that never be fixed. The jola c2 will work reliably without bugs i guess


Was funny to hear that Reeder is a true European phone. I don’t know what they teach in finnish schools but technically majority of Turkey (Samsun also) is in Asia. So they replace a shady partnership from a dictatorship country with another one. When west will not tolerate anymore Erdogan, what will Jolla do?


To make sure: is Sailfish pre-installed on the Jolla 2?

You mean C2? That was the point, yes.

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Realpolitiks, my friend. They teach realpolitics. :wink:

Just FYI, Turkish football clubs play in Champions League. In many aspects, Turkey is already considered to be europian. Jolla did not just decide to announce Turkey as Europian

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Personally, the 60 EUR per year doesn’t kill me. But I hope they offer free updates for secondary devices linked to the same Jolla account. I own two older devices I use for occasional tests and for a second SIM card (for companies which want a phone number but shouldn’t bother me on my cell phone).
For developers, this is probably even more important, they shouldn’t pay for their test or development devices.


Turkey is as part of europe as russia, now lets hope erdogan doesn’t decide to invade any countries and we should be good (then again that company might not be gov related so maybe even that wouldn’t be as terrible, in business terms of course)


No. But if youre not going to argue with reason, i simply say ‘sure yes whatever you say’.
Maybe google and research why Turkey is a europian country before just complaining here in the wind