Ytplayer, is it working?

I was going to use both :slight_smile: They both have advantages and disadvantages. Iā€™ve been using for longer now, but use without issues, too. The invidious instances that seem to get overwhelmed a lot are and co.

Iā€™m not sure what you mean since they ALL proxy in one sense or the other. The Piped backend has a better grip on storing/mirroring data, which means itā€™s more likely to be available, but it also means you have to be prepared to host a LOT of data. Proper reaping and you can get around that, but ā€¦ I havenā€™t had the time to go there.

I was thinking of running a host since I have spare cpu/bandwidth but the piped setup is a bit too opinionated (I can run my own caching proxy/cdn and do). Invidious is in crystal. So, ruby on crack. So, Iā€™m going to look at that to see what I might do with it and, perhaps, make an SFOS only instance to test. I was just looking at the piped backend to see if I didnā€™t just want to try that first ā€¦

No, if you look into your browserā€™s developer menu, you can find out that when using most invidious instances, youā€™ll directly access *, as the default from invidious is not to proxy the video streams itself.

I just run my own nginx setup on top of the piped one, didnā€™t really stop me.

Thatā€™s an installation issue and can be set up, Always use "local" to proxy video through the server without creating an account - Invidious Documentation Iā€™m not sure why it wouldnā€™t default, except that fear factor :slight_smile: In a wrapper, Iā€™d always do local proxy. I think that :de: uses Cloudflare which would be proxy^10 but I canā€™t imagine them surviving very much longer going that way. Just testing with &local=true (I use privacy redirect on the desktop, FF) no google.

Ok, so, are you using the proxy from them or just the backend? I donā€™t really want to run the vue app or the proxy. My cdn setup consists of haproxy + varnish on multiple backends. But that shouldnā€™t matter.

Duh, because they donā€™t proxy the media maybe they fly under the radar?

No, but I found that was only some typo. I also removed Webview because I found how to get URL of the videofile. So I just need in QML to create video player with pause button (and ideally also with slider to move forward).

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I do use the provided ytproxy. But thatā€™s a forward proxy, so probably not what you mean? Yes, I use the nginx from them and just run the nginx with my own config above doing TLS and SNI handling as reverse proxy, passing all piped URLs to the piped nginx. I do run the full setup.

I thought that would be redundant since Iā€™m also able to do caching, though I donā€™t know if modern nginx does range caching well. probably does. But I have a setup :slight_smile:

Ok, cool to know. I may come back at you with more annoying questions :slight_smile:

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This one has a slider built in / around it, though this player is for audio. The slider stuff should work though. tidings/MediaItem.qml at master Ā· poetaster/tidings Ā· GitHub

Irony of ironies. This morning, migrated a bunch of sites, tweaked some configs, moved some dns entries and completely shot my faster than lightning caching proxy as Iā€™ve just discovered now. Sigh. Thank god for ZFS snapshots :slight_smile:

EDIT: Ah, well, itā€™s not surprising network doesnā€™t work when well, the backbone is down. I thought I was losing it :wink:

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